- Node.js - Download Here
- Bower( version of 0.9.1 or Greater ) - Download Here
- Knowledge of Ember.js
Once the pre-reqs have been taken care of, run:
npm install
bower install
To run:
grunt server
To create a distribtion:
If you want to use the mocks to test, uncomment these lines from index.html
<script src="bower_components/jquery-mockjax/jquery.mockjax.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/mocks/mock.js"></script>
Then run
grunt server
note: The current version of the Unified Push Server now has the the Admin UI distribution "installed", for development, the instructions below still apply
Clone and run [](unified push server) as an exploded war.
Then run grunt initLocalConfig
this will create a local-config.json
file. Open it and edit the "webapp" and "jbossweb" config params:
{ "home": "/home/sebastien/aerogear/aerogear-unified-push-server-admin-ui", "webapp": "/home/sebastien/aerogear/aerogear-unifiedpush-server/src/main/webapp", "jbossweb": "/home/sebastien/apps/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/deployments/ag-push.war", "ups_repo": "/home/sebastien/aerogear/ui_update/aerogear-unifiedpush-server" };
This will copy the contents to the "root" folder of both the cloned repo and the exploded war file( to keep them N'sync )
"webapp" should be the path where you cloned the push server.
"jbossweb" is the path of you exploded war running on an app server
Eventually, this should just be the contents of the dist folder, but for testing, well, you know
Make sure to rerun "grunt server" once you change these parameters
Now everytime you save a file, grunt is watching and will copy to these directories
This project uses handlebar templates( *.hbs )
Grunt is watching for changes in the "templates" directory and will recomplile "scripts/templates.js" with the new template
There is a Grunt task to perform a release, please refer to this doc for more information and instructions.
Sometimes the incorrect version of ember templates gets installed when doing a clean npm install
, running npm install
a second time can fix it