adaptation from haveachin/bedprox
- Implement API
- Implement L7 protection
specifies the path to all your server configs [default: "./configs/"
./gamma -config-path="."
debug: false
genericJoinResponse: There is no proxy associated with this domain. Please check your configuration.
receiveProxyProtocol: false
enabled: false
bind: :9060
enabled: false
bind: :5000
edition: MCPE
versionname: 1.19.50
versionProtocol: 560
description: Gamma proxy
playerCount: 0
maxPlayerCount: 10
gamemode: SURVIVAL
gamemodeNumeric: 1
Values can be left out if they don't deviate from the default, a config.json with just {}
is still required for startup.
"domainNames": ["", ""],
"proxyTo": ":8080"
"domains": ["", ""],
"listenTo": ":19132",
"proxyTo": ":8080",
"proxyProtocol": false,
"dialTimeout": 1000,
"dialTimeoutMessage": "Server is currently offline",
"sendProxyProtocol": false
The built-in prometheus exporter can be used to view metrics about gamma' operation.
This can be used through "prometheusEnabled": true
and "prometheusBind": ":9070"
in config.yml
It is recommended to firewall the prometheus exporter with an application like ufw or iptables to make it only accessible by your own Prometheus instance.
Example prometheus.yml configuration:
- job_name: gamma
- targets: ['gamma-exporter-hostname:port']
- gamma_connected: show the amount of connected players per instance and proxy:
- Example response:
gamma_connected{host="",instance="",job="gamma"} 10
- host: listenTo domain as specified in the gamma configuration.
- instance: what gamma instance the amount of players are connected to.
- job: what job was specified in the prometheus configuration.
- Example response:
- gamma_handshakes: counter of the number of handshake packets received per instance, type and target:
- Example response:
gamma_handshakes{instance="",type="status",host="",country="DE"} 5
- instance: what gamma instance handshakes were received on.
- type: the type of handshake received; "status" or "login".
- host: the target host specified by the client (login only).
- Example response:
GET /proxies
will return
GET /proxies/{name}
will return
"domainNames": [""],
"proxyTo": ""
POST /proxies/{name}
with body
"domainNames": [""],
"proxyTo": ""
will return
{"success": true, "message": "the proxy has been succesfully added"}
DELETE /proxies/{name}
will return 200(OK)
will return 200(OK)