There are some scripts used for remux multi mono audio files to one multi-track audiofile Mac ONLY now
So you Must install FFMPEG to your computer first. you can use: brew install ffmpeg These script is for multi-track recorder running at mono mode, which means every take has its own folder. Every folder has some file. For example recording 2 channel will get 2 mono files in one folder. Command: bash mainPathofFolders the mainPath is the path that contans each take folders: mainPath/20190410-001.pjt/1.wav OutputFile will at the mainpanth/remux These script is for mux multi-track audio files to ONE AC3 codec audio file. For example mux 6 mono files (5.1 mono track) to one ac3 codec files. Command: bash inputL inputR inputC inputLFE inputLs inputRs OutputFile will at the same path These are the smarter version of mix20/mix51. You can just drop a file path that has 6 mpno files and it will automatically recorgnized channel by reading the LASTWORD of the fileName. For example the folder ./xxx_51mono/ has 6 files named xxx_L.wav xxx_R.wav xxx_C.wav xxx_LFE.wav xxx_Ls.wav xxx_Rs.wav you juse use the command: ./ ./xxx_51mono/