Library code to run mqtt on Barionet.
This still very much alpha maaybe beta version. It works, but in controlled enviroment.
- limit of 126 topic and data length (should never be that in proper configured mqtt) .
- QOS 0 only, might improve this if there ever need
- Sending publish
MqTopic$ = "barionet/alarmscene/"+str$(subgroup)+"/value"
MqMessage$ = str$(group)
MqRetain = 1 ''Enable Retain flag
gosub 5260
- Subscribe
MqTopic$ = "barionet/scene/+/set"
gosub 5360
- Openhab Item sample:
Switch Barionet_Bathroom "Bathroom" (Lights,Barionet) [ "Lighting" ] { mqtt=" >[mqtt_pidome:barionet/scene/41/set:command:*:MAP(], <[mqtt_pidome:barionet/scene/41/value:state:MAP(] " } Button.Map: 0=OFF 1=ON OFF=0 ON=1