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Python error mapper based on decorators.


pip install error-mapper


Error map

from error_mapper import ErrorMapType, error_map_decorator

class SuppressedError(Exception): ...

class RaiseError(Exception): ...

error_map: ErrorMapType = {
    SuppressedError: RaiseError,

@error_map_decorator(error_map, RaiseError)
def fn() -> None:
    raise SuppressedError

On error execute

from error_mapper import ErrorMapTypeExecute, on_error_execute

class SuppressedError(Exception): ...

class RaiseError(Exception): ...

def process_error(error: Exception) -> tp.NoReturn:
    raise RaiseError from error

error_map: ErrorMapTypeExecute = {
    SuppressedError: process_error,

@on_error_execute(error_map, RaiseError)
def fn() -> None:
    raise SuppressedError

Suppress error to None

from error_mapper import suppress_to_none

class SuppressedError(Exception): ...

class RaiseError(Exception): ...

def fn() -> None:
    raise SuppressedError

assert fn() is None

Testing, linting, formatting

  • rye test
  • rye lint
  • rye fmt