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Title Author Year Code Publication
Revisiting Knowledge Tracing: A Simple and Powerful Model Jianwen Sun et al 2024 ReKT ACM MM
Interpretable Knowledge Tracing with Multiscale State Representation Jianwen Sun et al 2024 MIKT WWW
HD-KT: Advancing Robust Knowledge Tracing via Anomalous Learning Interaction Detection Haiping Ma et al 2024 HD-KT WWW
Question Difficulty Consistent Knowledge Tracing Guimei Liu et al 2024 QDCKT WWW
Predictive, scalable and interpretable knowledge tracing on structured domains Hanqi Zhou et al 2024 PSI-KT ICLR
RIGL: A Unified Reciprocal Approach for Tracing the Independent and Group Learning Processes Waiting... 2024 RIGL KDD
Leveraging Pedagogical Theories to Understand Student Learning Process with Graph-based Reasonable Knowledge Tracing Waiting... 2024 GRKT KDD
Progressive knowledge tracing: Modeling learning process from abstract to concrete Jianwen Sun et al 2024 PKT Expert Systems with Applications
Adversarial Bootstrapped Question Representation Learning for Knowledge Tracing Jianwen Sun et al 2023 ABQR ACM MM
Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search for Transformer in Knowledge Tracing Shangshang Yang et al 2023 ENAS-KT NeurIPS
Learning behavior-oriented knowledge tracing Bihan Xu et al 2023 LBKT KDD
simpleKT: a simple but tough-to-beat baseline for knowledge tracing Zitao Liu et al 2023 simpleKT ICLR
Tracing Knowledge Instead of Patterns: Stable Knowledge Tracing with Diagnostic Transformer Yu Yin et al 2023 DTransformer WWW
Enhancing deep knowledge tracing with auxiliary tasks Zitao Liu et al 2023 AT-DKT WWW
No Length Left Behind: Enhancing Knowledge Tracing for Modeling Sequences of Excessive or Insufficient Lengths Moyu Zhang et al 2023 SFKT CIKM
Counterfactual Monotonic Knowledge Tracing for Assessing Students' Dynamic Mastery of Knowledge Concepts Moyu Zhang et al 2023 CMKT CIKM
Cognition-Mode Aware Variational Representation Learning Framework for Knowledge Tracing Moyu Zhang et al 2023 CMVF ICDM
Towards robust knowledge tracing models via k-sparse attention Shuyan Huang et al 2023 sparseKT SIGIR
Improving interpretability of deep sequential knowledge tracing models with question-centric cognitive representations Jiahao Chen et al 2023 QIKT AAAI
Weighted Heterogeneous Graph-Based Three-View Contrastive Learning for Knowledge Tracing in Personalized e-Learning Systems Jianwen Sun et al 2023 TCL4KT IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
GraphCA: Learning from Graph Counterfactual Augmentation for Knowledge Tracing Xinhua Wang et al 2023 GraphCA IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Contrastive learning for knowledge tracing Wonsung Lee et al 2022 CL4KT WWW
Assessing student's dynamic knowledge state by exploring the question difficulty effect Shuanghong Shen et al 2022 DIMKT SIGIR
Introducing Problem Schema with Hierarchical Exercise Graph for Knowledge Tracing Hanshuang Tong et al 2022 HGKT SIGIR
Bi-CLKT: Bi-graph contrastive learning based knowledge tracing Xiangyu Song et al 2022 Bi-CLKT Knowledge-Based Systems
Learning process-consistent knowledge tracing Shuanghong Shen et al 2021 LPKT KDD
Tracing Knowledge State with Individual Cognition and Acquisition Estimation Ting Long et al 2021 IEKT SIGIR
Enhancing knowledge tracing via adversarial training Xiaopeng Guo et al 2021 ATKT ACM MM
Temporal cross-effects in knowledge tracing Chenyang Wang et al 2021 HawkesKT WSDM
GIKT: A Graph-based Interaction Model for Knowledge Tracing Yang Yang et al 2021 GIKT PAKDD
Context-Aware Attentive Knowledge Tracing Aritra Ghosh et al 2020 AKT KDD
Convolutional knowledge tracing: Modeling individualization in student learning process Shuanghong Shen et al 2020 CKT SIGIR
Improving knowledge tracing via pre-training question embeddings Yunfei Liu et al 2020 PEBG IJCAI
RKT: relation-aware self-attention for knowledge tracing Shalini Pandey et al 2020 RKT CIKM
Structure-based knowledge tracing: An influence propagation view Shiwei Tong et al 2020 SKT ICDM
Towards an Appropriate Query, Key, and Value Computation for Knowledge Tracing Youngduck Choi et al 2020 SAINT L@S
Augmenting knowledge tracing by considering forgetting behavior Koki Nagatani et al 2019 DKT+forgetting WWW
Knowledge tracing with sequential key-value memory networks Ghodai Abdelrahman et al 2019 SKVMN SIGIR
Knowledge tracing machines: Factorization machines for knowledge tracing JJ Vie et al 2019 KTM AAAI
A self-attentive model for knowledge tracing Shalini Pandey et al 2019 SAKT EDM
Deep-IRT: Make deep learning based knowledge tracing explainable using item response theory Chun-Kit Yeung 2019 Deep-IRT EDM
Knowledge query network for knowledge tracing: How knowledge interacts with skills Jinseok Lee et al 2019 KQN LAK
Graph-based Knowledge Tracing: Modeling Student Proficiency Using Graph Neural Network Hiromi Nakagawa et al 2019 GKT WI
Addressing two problems in deep knowledge tracing via prediction-consistent regularization Chun-Kit Yeung et al 2018 DKT+ L@S
Dynamic Key-Value Memory Networks for Knowledge Tracing Jiani Zhang et al 2017 DKVMN WWW
Deep knowledge tracing Chris Piech et al 2015 DKT NeurIPS
Performance Factors Analysis – A New Alternative to Knowledge Tracing Pavlik et al 2009 PFA AIED
Knowledge tracing: Modeling the acquisition of procedural knowledge AT Corbett et al 1994 BKT User modeling and user-adapted interaction


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