Table of Contents
Movie Buddy is a mobile application made for Android. It offers a simple interface for the user to store a collection of movies and cinemas within a SQLite database.
Functionality includes:
- Adding a movie
- Viewing movies
- Editing a movie record
- Deleting movies
- Adding a cinema
- Viewing cinemas
- Editing a cinema record
- Deleting cinemas
I created this application as part of a university assignment. As the focus of the assignment was primarily on the backend of the application, the frontend was simplified in the interest of time.
The program utilises Android Studio's bottom navigation activity for easy access between viewing and editing both movie and cinema records. It also implements a SQLite database which is invisible to the user. This mobile application allows the user to interact with the database in a simple manner with no knowledge of SQL.
- Implement poster image functionality
- Attach title text to navigation bar at all times
- Fix issue where pre-selected movies are not already checked when editing a cinema record
- Fix issue where movies are not saved when cinema record is edited
- Add different fonts
- Implement a more consistent user interface
- Utilise Google Maps for user to select cinema location
Lily Straker