Check it out live HERE
The following instructions worked on MacOS 10.12 with Xcode v8.2.1
1.You will need to have the most reccent version of xcode & xcode developer tools installed. - Install XCode from the Mac App Store. - Install the command line tools.
xcode-select --install
2.You will need to have Rails and Postgres installed
brew update
brew install libpqxx imagemagick rbenv ruby-build postgresql
rbenv init >> ~/.bashrc
# Log out and log back in
rbenv install 2.3.3
rbenv global 2.3.3
gem install rails --no-document
ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install pg
- Clone this repository and run the following commands at the root of the repository.
bundle install
- Create the database.
brew services start postgresql
# starts pg now and restart at login. To manage this, use `brew services stop postgresql`
# Or, if you don't want/need pg always running as a background service you can just run:
# pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
pg_restore -cOd limbforge_development ~/Desktop/latest.dump
- Start the Limbforge App and check it out in your browser at localhost:3000
rails s
- Environment Variables
Email Hova or Andreas to get added to the heroku apps. Once you are added, you can add remotes by running these commands in your console:
staging 1
git remote add staging1
to push to it on local:
git push staging1 name-of-your-branch:master
staging 2
git remote add staging2
git push staging2 name-of-your-branch:master
git remote add demo
git push staging2 name-of-your-branch:master
Make sure you are logged into heroku in your console:
heroku login
^^ fill it out, then run this line in your console (using staging1/staging2 and replacing your branch name):
git push staging1 name-of-your-branch:master