A passion project inspired by interests in stocks and day trading
Interested in stocks? Curious to see your performance but not ready to invest yet? Or have already invested and would like to see how much you would have made if you didn’t sell a particular stock? Perfect, I got the perfect web app for you. Come and try StockTrax!
StockTrax is a web application that allows you to create a hypothetical investment portfolio to track performance against EOD (End of Day) data so you can practice your investment strategies without using your hard-earned savings. Spring Boot will retrieve historical and real time stock data using stockdata.org’s API call. StockTrax will hold a database of users, accounts and their investment portfolio using MySQL.
- Java - Language
- JavaScript - Language
- TailwindCSS - Styling
- React - Framework
- Spring Boot - Framework
- MySQL - Database
- Stock API - Historical EOD data
- Chart Library - Animation