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Releases: limyz/DTXmaniaNX

DTXManiaNX ver 1.4.2

19 May 10:04
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Release notes


This is a minor update with many bug fixes and several new options & enhancements.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed time drifting caused by BPM and Measure Length Changes but also maintained backward compatibility by adding a new ChipPlayTimeComputeMode option #164
  • Fixes several major gameplay bugs that makes P2 (Bass) player side of Guitar/Bass mode unplayable #169
  • Fixed several game crashing bugs #159 #153 #150
  • Added missing Scroll Speed display icons for Speeds greater than 8.0 #138
  • Fixed Random notes logic for 6-lane mode incorrectly causing Tom chips to alternate #116
  • Fixed non-square Jackets stretching in Song list, Loading screen, Stage screen and Result screen PR-176
  • Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 12.0.2 to 13.0.2 by @dependabot

Feature Enhancements

  • Updated song loading methods that iterate through the full song list to use Asynchronous Tasks for better performance PR-167
    • Full Loading duration for approximately 850 scores dropped from 21 to 8 seconds, a 163% speed improvement
  • Added a new ChipPlayTimeComputeMode option. This is a boolean option which is set to 1: Accurate by default, which computes chip play time with the more accurate method. Choose 0: Original to use the original inaccurate compute method. #164
  • Added Performance Mode option to allow disabling of Pitch Shift when missing / strumming notes with wrong buttons pressed #143
  • Changed SE6 to SE23, SE30 to SE32 channels to be non-muting channels, allowing consecutive wav chips to be played without interrupting the previous wav #69
    • SE1 to SE5 will maintain the original behavior of muting current wav playback before playing a new wav chip


  • Fixed BG Video not pausing when Stop is clicked and not jumping to the correct time when playing from the middle of the chart #149
  • Added a Viewer Size option menu under Tool / Option / Viewer #144
  • Minor UI label and Version Info text changes

DTXManiaNX ver 1.4.1

31 Dec 07:39
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Release notes

The first and last release of DTXManiaNX in 2023.


1.4.1 is a minor version update with 3 new features:

  • New In-App Metronome feature added, which can be turned on / off in the Config Menu. (#160)
  • Fast-reload option added in Config Menu. This feature detect changes in DTX Data folder from song list cache and load the changes only
  • Import / Export config.ini from/to file without restarting the application. Use this feature to quickly change to another player's configurations without restarting the app.

DTXManiaNX ver 1.4.0

20 Feb 08:55
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Release notes


This version includes 3 new features, the transition to a full 64-bit (x64) build of the entire DTXManiaNX project and many enhancements suggested by the community.

Long Notes

Long Notes (a.k.a Hold Notes) feature is now available for DTXMania GR Mode (#99 ). Guitar/Bass .dtx files created in DTXManiaAL can be played in DTXManiaNX with full compatibility. DTXCreator has also been updated with new lanes to support addition of Long Notes.

Furthermore, a Bonus Scoring mechanic similar to the original game has also been added to reward players for holding buttons as long as required during a Long Note play. A bonus of 100 points is rewarded every 1/6 length of the Long Note, up to total of 500 points.

Song Progress

Song Progress is another new major feature added for DTXManiaNX, based on the same feature in DTXManiaAL.

  • Song Progress record is now displayed as a bar graph on the left of Notes-Lane Graph in Song Selection Stage
  • Live Song Progress Bar is added to Song Performance Stage
  • Current Progress Bar and Best Progress Bar record are displayed in Song Result Screen
  • Best Song Progress record is saved in each score.ini file, even when player fails the current Stage

Note: This feature is not compatible with AL due to the different way of computing Song Progress, score.ini saved from AL will show incorrectly in NX

Early/Late Hit Counters

Early/Late Hit Counters are added to DTXManiaNX (#94 )

  • Added a new ShowLagHitCounters config option in-game and in config.ini
  • Counters are displayed in Performance and Result Screen if ShowLagHitCounters option is enabled and InfoType is set to 1
  • Early and Late Hit Counters are always displayed on the left and right side respectively; however, its color is determined by the existing ShowLagTimeColor option

Note: To ensure the new features work properly, please delete the existing song DB files or select Reload Songs in System Config before entering Song Selection

Credits to @approvedtx for providing graphics updates for these new features

64-bit Build

All projects in DTXManiaNX have been reconfigured to support and build x64 (64-bit) dlls and exes. Third-party libraries such as Bass.dll have also been upgraded to 64-bit. The motivation for this transition is to future-proof DTXManiaNX project as we foresee 32-bit support for many third-party libraries to be dropped in the future.

This transition from 32-bit to 64-bit has unfortunately brought about some breaking changes due to the fact that there is no 64-bit version of FDK.MemoryRenderer.dll, which is responsible for providing interfaces for Video File Loading and Rendering, and source code of it is unavailable (#133). These changes include:

  • FDK is updated with new CAviDS code, similar to FDK used by AL, which does not depend on FDK.MemoryRenderer.dll
  • Video Rendering methods in DTXManiaNX are reduced from three to one: CAviDS, as the other 2 methods require FDK.MemoryRenderer.dll. This has caused the existing DirectShowMode config option to be irrelevant as it is not used by CAviDS

These changes thus far are positive. By refactoring to use the new CAviDS code for Video Rendering, issue #100 is finally resolved. Nonetheless, if there are any negative impact observed due to these changes, please post the issue here.

Other Updates

Following enhancements and bug fixes are also made:

  • Added Cancel key binding option for Guitar/Bass in Config Menu and changed Cancel action from Pick to the new Cancel Button (#115 )
  • Added Search key binding option in Config Menu. Changed the Open Search Textbox key from hard-coded Backspace to this new Search Button
  • Open note explosion not displaying for Guitar/Bass when playing in non-Autoplay mode (#127 )
  • Fixed DTXManiaNX crashes when playing Guitar/Bass Chart as a Viewer in DTXCreator (#125, #135 )
  • Fixed Incorrect Scoring mode for Guitar/Bass when Auto Wailing is switched off (#126 )
  • Fixed Autoplay key input animation freezes on Long notes when Guitar and Bass are swapped (#131 )
  • Set fixed configurations related to Playback when running DTXMania as a Viewer (#128 )
  • Fixed issue with playing background video with uncommon aspect ratio and resolution such as Classic BGA (#100 )
  • Removed DirectShowMode config option in Game and Config.ini as it is no longer relevant (#133 )
  • Window Title for DTXManiaNX is changed to DTXViewerNX when it is opened as a Viewer by DTXCreator
  • Changed DTXViewer window size to 640 x 360 and fixed its starting position
  • DTXViewer is brought to the foreground whenever a Playback Command is sent from DTXCreator
  • Autoplay is now disabled by default for Guitar and Bass


  • Added new lanes: GtL and BsL to support Long Notes feature


  • Removed FDK.MemoryRenderer.dll from the package as it is no longer used.

DTXManiaNX ver 1.3.0

28 Dec 13:56
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Release notes


  • Exciting new features have been added to Song Selection Stage:
    • Duration of current song added and displayed above BPM
    • Notes-Lane Graph and Note Count added for both DM and GF mode
    • Highest Skill Point for current song added and displayed above Length/BPM
    • Skill Point Badge added for the score that contribute the highest Skill Point
    • Mini Preview Images are added to the Song Selection Wheel
    • Clear Lamps added to the left of Mini Preview Images
    • Credits to @approvedtx for providing graphics updates for these new features
  • Following improvements are also made:
    • Search Notification Text now automatically disappears after 10 seconds
    • Checks are added to prevent normal and random selection of a score that does not have instrument notes for current mode (#67)
    • Updated default values of config.ini to more popular defaults used by players (Credits to @approvedtx for providing them)
    • When DTXVMode is enabled, DTXVPlaySpeed is used as the PlaySpeed instead of the value in Config.ini
      • This allows the PlaySpeed option in DTXCreator to work with DTXMania running as a Viewer
    • Return/Enter Key is now not assignable to any functions to prevent loss of control (#114)
    • Fixed Crash when CLASSIC mode is selected in config.ini (#108)

Note: To ensure the new features work properly, please delete the existing song DB files or select Reload Songs in System Config before entering Song Selection


  • Updated default DTXV.exe path to Runtime\dll\DTXV.exe
  • Fixed inconsistent PlaySpeed behaviour when PlaySpeed ComboBox changed values (#117)
  • Updated name of main program to DTXManiaNX.exe


  • The main program exe has been renamed to DTXManiaNX.exe
  • Added back the old DTXV.exe to the dll folder

DTXManiaNX ver 1.2.1b

02 Apr 15:11
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Release notes


  • Fix incorrect version of FDK.dll and libbjxa.dll packaged with Installer.
    • libbjax.dll in 1.2.1 was built to target 64-bit which is not supported by DTXManiaNX (32-bit .NET exe)
    • This error causes DTXManiaNX to be unable to play .xa chips.

Sorry for any inconveniences caused

DTXManiaNX ver 1.2.1

02 Apr 03:45
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Release notes


  • Added Discord Rich Presence integration (#102) (Credits to aoki-marika)
    • See DiscordRichPresence section in Config.ini
  • Fix Cap play speed between x0.25 and x2 (#104)
  • Background Video in Song Selection screen is now supported. (#78)
    • Add a video file named 5_background.mp4 in Graphics folder of your favorite theme to enable this feature
  • Added Inno Setup script to create a proper program installer (#97)
  • Fix the Discord Presence crash when Song title exceeds the 128 bytes limit for Details text
  • Half the damage value across all damage levels as suggested by ApprovedDTX (#105)


  • Change Switch Mode shortcut key from F8 to Ctrl+Space (#101)


  • Starting from this release, DTXManiaNX Installer will be available

DTXManiaNX ver 1.2.0

09 Jan 03:34
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Release notes

First release version of 2021.


  • Fix name color set incorrectly for guitar/bass
  • Fix Guitar/Bass Skillpoint bugs (#81)
  • Fix Scores not showing up with non-English locale (#83)
  • Added new FullScreenExclusive config option (#85)
  • Added changing of play speed during game. (#86)
  • Song Levels in Song Select Screen are now displayed according to selected Skill Mode
  • Judgement Hit Ranges now split into 3 categories: Drum, DrumPedal, Guitar and Bass
    • This allows more accurate simulation of the actual game


  • Fix Runtime package not containing the updated DTXCreator.exe from previous release.


  • Change version number scheme to follow Semantic Versioning: Major.Minor.Patch
  • The extra 0 from 1.01 has been removed to avoid confusion.
  • DTXCreator is now packaged together with since it now requires DTXMania as the main viewer

Credits to @ericpignet and @aoki-marika for your contributions.

DTXManiaNX ver 1.01

31 Oct 03:50
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Release notes


  • Upgraded to .NET 4.7.1 and changed back-end library to SharpDX
    • Requires .NET 4.7.1 to be installed on PC
  • Add following options in Config.ini
    • WASAPI Exclusive/WASAPI Shared in SoundDeviceType
    • EventDrivenWASAPI
    • MasterVolume
  • Score will now not be saved if playback speed is modified or looping mode is used (#56 )
  • Fixed achievement rate not updated for guitar (#75)
  • Fixed combo bug in looping mode (#49)
  • Corrected description for ShowLagTimeColor (#70)
  • Fixes for various other stability bugs/issues


  • Added an option to specify path of DTX viewer to allow use of DTXManiaNX for preview
  • Removed DTXV.exe
    • DTXV.exe is removed as it is not part of DTXManiaXG and no source is available for upgrade. However, it is not possible to preview a DTX from arbitrary position using DTXMania. Please use DTXV.exe from an older version for this feature.
  • Initialize difficulty levels and increase range from 0-100 to 0-999 (#57)

For more information, visit for more information

Credits to @ericpignet for contributing to most of the fixes and upgrades for this new version.

DTXManiaXG Gitadora v3.70 (NX 1.00)

11 Sep 15:39
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First major release that deviated from original Ver K Gitadora, tentatively named NX 1.00.
All future releases will be renamed to DTXManiaNX.
A complete list of changes/fixes can be viewed at

Release notes:

  • Basic Search Function has been added (#44 ).
    • Press Backspace during Song Selection to open the Search Input TextBox and a How-to-use guide.
    • Input Text and press Enter to start Search.
  • Song Looping, Skipping and Restart Functions have been added (#38 ) (Credits to @ericpignet )
    • Configure the Key inputs for the new functions under System Keys
    • Press the configured keys during Gameplay to create loop, skip or restart song
  • Added a config field to enable Smaller graph that does not hide display of combo (Credits to @ericpignet )
  • Major Translation of source code to English (#45 ) (Credits to @ericpignet )

DTXManiaXG Gitadora v3.62c

03 Aug 08:24
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Release Notes:

  • Change Up-Down scrolling to use High-Tom and Low-Tom instead of Snare and Floor Tom.
  • "Excellent" or "Full Combo" audio will be played during the results screen if you Excellent or Full Combo a song.
  • "New Record" will be played if a new Skill Record is achieved
  • "MAX" instead of "100.00%" will be displayed on song panel and skill panel. This requires updated Image Files: See System\NEXTAGE
    (The default System Skin has been removed. For more updated skins please visit )
  • Fix Level Display bug in Splash Screen for charts that does not contain LC, LP, LBD, FT and Ride notes.
  • Selecting Classic Skill Mode now properly display 2-digit Difficulty Level in Splash Screen, Skill Panel and Result Panel
  • Classic Skill Point now follows the formula used in V4-V7 based on BemaniWiki
  • Fix audio clip bug in Result Screen which occurs when Guitar is set to Auto Off but play mode is Drums