Modular, plugin based Skype bot utilizing Skype4Sharp (reuploaded)
By reading this project's source code, compiling as a binary, redistributing assets found in this repository, etc, or ANY form of use, you must agree to the license enlisted below.
As this project uses [Skype4Sharp] (, which itself has some documentation, please visit there for additional usage information. The documentation provided here is solely for the bot itself.
`-- SimpleSkype
|-- SimpleSkype.exe
|-- Skype4Sharp.dll
|-- Newtonsoft.Json.dll
|-- PluginInterface.dll
|-- plugins
| |-- source
| | |-- foobar.cs
| | `-- example.cs
| |-- foobar.dll
| `-- example.dll
`-- ranks
|-- owners.txt
|-- banned.txt
|-- admins.txt
|-- moderators.txt
|-- ultimates.txt
`-- premiums.txt
Note, I will use '#' to note an actual comment, since // is used in the compiler.
Also, this plugin makes no sense, it's just to show what's possible.
//ref System.Web.dll # This adds a reference to an external assembly, which is not included by default in the compiler.
using System;
using PluginInterface;
using Skype4Sharp;
using System.Web;
using SimpleSkype;
namespace pluginBuild
public class your_plugin : Plugin
public string Name { get { return "Foo"; } }
public string Description { get { return "Great plugin!"; } }
public string Author { get { return "YourNameHere"; } }
public string[] Triggers { get { return new string[] { "foo", "bar" }; } }
public string Syntax { get { return "<message>"; } }
public UserRank RequiredRank { get { return UserRank.Premium; } }
public string InvalidRankMessage { get { return "Please buy premium to get access to this command!"; } }
public void Run(ChatMessage rMessage, ChatMessage pMessage, string[] commandArgs)
if (commandArgs.Length > 1)
SimpleSkype.Program.botName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(pMessage.Body.Remove(0, commandArgs[0].Length + 1)); //# This literally makes no sense. 'botName' isn't even a variable.
rMessage.Body = "You've changed the bot's name! I guess.";
throw new InvalidSyntaxException();
Presented in order of 'power'
Put this at the top of the file (the comments). It's a comment anyways, so the compiler won't do anything with it.
//ref System.Web.dll
//ref ChatterBotAPI.dll
Don't forget that the command trigger itself is also an argument
if (commandArgs.Length == 2)
rMessage.Body = "Well done! You have used syntax correctly.";
throw new InvalidSyntaxException();