Checks for commandline parameters or environment variables to determine in which environment to run your application.
Reads the NODE_ENV
export NODE_ENV=production
values can be:
- prodcution
- live
- integration
- staging
- testing
- dev
- development
where production === live, integration === staging and dev === development
variable is overriden by setting any of those flags:
--production (--live)
--integration (--staging)
--dev (--development)
Get the current environment
const envr = require('envr');
console.log(envr.env) // production, integration, testing or development
There are also methods to directl yquery the environment
const envr = require('envr');
All of thoe methods throw errors if the environment was not set
Loads js config files from a directory using the pattern ${dirname}/config.${envr.env}.js
All toplevel properties of a config.js file that may reside in the same directory as the other
config files will overrife properties of the environment specific config file. The configfiles
msut export an obejct.
const envr = require('envr');
// async, __dirname is the dir containgin the configs
cosnt config = envr.config(__dirname);