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Lindo API in Julia

                  Copyright (c) 2024

     LINDO Systems, Inc.           312.988.7422
     1415 North Dayton St.
     Chicago, IL 60622   


The Julia package LindoAPI.jl offers two ways to interface with the Lindo API.
The first way to interface with the API is through the soft wrapper that allows Julia users to directly call the functions implemented in the Lindo API. The second way to interface with the API is with the JuMP.jl package. Both ways of interfacing have their strengths. Calling LINDO API functions directly using the soft wrapper is more efficient with computation speed and memory use while using the JuMP interface allows for much more natural expression of a model.

Downloading LINDO API

Before adding the LindoAPI package please download the API See the manual for operating system specific downloading instructions and keep as a reference for the available LINDO API functions.

Installing LindoAPI.jl

The Julia library needs to know where the LINDO API is stored. To do so create an environment variable named. LINDOAPI_HOME.

Using Windows

On the command line

> set LINDOAPI_HOME="c:/LindoAPI"

Or in Julia


Using Mac or Linux

On the command line

$ export LINDOAPI_HOME="/opt/LindoAPI"

Or in julia

ENV["LINDOAPI_HOME"] = "/opt/LindoAPI"

To add the package in Julia

using Pkg

To update the package in Julia

using Pkg

Using the Soft Wrapper

The manual has documentation on every function available, and plenty of samples all of which are straight forward to convert to Julia. For a quick start guide and to see how Julia works with the LINDO API this section will go through the steps that are important to getting started with the LINDO API.

Table of Contents

  1. Creating Modeling Environment and Model
  2. Loading Data
  3. Calling the Optimizer
  4. Query the Model
  5. Freeing Model and Environment

Creating Modeling Environment and Model

This section goes over the creation of the pointers to the environment and a model.

1) LSloadLicenseString(pszFname, pachLicense)

This function loads users license key into an array. This function comes first since the API key is needed to create API environment for models.

pszFname: A string that contains the full path to your LINDO API license key.

pachLicense: An empty vector of type unsinged Int 8 (UInt8)

Returns: An error code of type Int if not 0 then it has failed.

# undef argument for not initializing the vector
# used for performance
LicenseKey = Vector{UInt8}(undef,1024)
# joinpath is a built in function for concatenating two paths.
license_path = joinpath(PATH,"license/lndapi150.lic")     
ret = LindoAPI.LSloadLicenseString(license_path, LicenseKey)
if ret != 0
    error("Key not found check key $(license_path)")

2) LScreateEnv(pnErrorCode, LicenseKey)

This function creates a modeling environment that one or more models can be attached to.

pnErrorCode: An array of Int32 initialized with one element for LScreateEnv to store the error code. If pnErrorCode[1] == 0 after the function is ran, then it was successful.

LicenseKey: A vector of UInt8 that is initialized by LSloadLicenseString.

Returns: A pointer to the newly created instance of LSenv.

pnErrorCode = Int32[-1]
pEnv = LindoAPI.LScreateEnv(pnErrorCode, LicenseKey)

3) check_error(pEnv, ErrorCode)

Once the environment is created error codes can be checked and error messages can be displayed.

pEnv: A pointer to an environment created by LScreateEnv.

ErrorCode: The first element of pnErrorCode.

Returns: Prints an error message If pnErrorCode[1] != 0 and then the program is exited.


4) LScreateModel(pEnv, pnErrorCode) This function creates a model pointer.

pEnv: A pointer to an environment created by LScreateEnv.

pnErrorCode: An array of Int32 initialized with one element for LScreateEnv to store the error code. When pnErrorCode[1] == 0 the function is successful.

Returns : A pointer to a newly created model.

pModel = LindoAPI.LScreateModel(pEnv, pnErrorCode)

Loading Data

Once an environment has been created and a model has been attached, data can be added to the model. This can be done in a variety of ways depending on what kind of data are being added. See the attached examples to get an idea of how different data types are loaded into a model. Also see Chapter 1 of the LINDO API manual to learn more about array and matrix representation used by the LINDO API.

Examples provided for:

  • LSloadNLPData
  • LSloadLPData
  • LSloadQCData
  • LSloadInstruct

Calling The Optimizer

  • LSoptimize(pModel, nMethod, pnSolStatus) Use this when all variables are continuous.
  • LSsolveMIP(pModel, pnMIPSolStatus) When there is one or more integer variables.
  • LSsolveGOP(pModel, pnGOPSolStatus) For global optimization of nonlinear models.

pModel: The pointer to the model being optimized.

pnSolStatus, pnMIPSolStatus, pnGOPSolStatus: To store the optimization status a vector of type Int32 with a single value pnStatus = Int32[-1]. The solver will replace the single value with the optimization status when finished. For a detailed list describing all 14 different model statuses see the manual page 22 in the Common Parameter Macro Definitions table.

nMethod: Only used in LSoptimize. This is a value of type Int that corresponds to what kind of optimization method the solver will use. There are stored constants in the LindoAPI.jl for the possible values of nMethod. Use LindoAPI.LS_METHOD_FREE to let the solver decide what is best.


pnStatus = Int32[-1]
errorcode = LindoAPI.LSoptimize(pModel, LindoAPI.LS_METHOD_FREE, pnStatus)
LS.check_error(pEnv, errorcode)
if pnStatus[1] == LindoAPI.LS_STATUS_OPTIMAL
    println("Optimal solution found!")

Querying the Model

LSgetInfo(pModel, nQuery, pvResult)
Used to get model objective value or other information about the model.

pmodel: A pointer to the model that is being queried.

nQuery: An Integer that corresponds to what is being queried LindoAPI.jl has a constant stored for each possible nQuery. For example, to get the objective value when the model has continuous variables use LindoAPI.LS_DINFO_POBJ . When there are integer variables, use LindoAPI.LS_IINFO_POBJ to get the objective value. For a detailed list of all query values see the manual page 139.

pvResults: Used to store the value returned the function takes Ptr{Cvoid} making versatile for integer values use pvResult = Int32[-1] and for floating point use pvResults = Cdouble[-1].

#retrieve the objective value
dObj = Cdouble[-1]
errorcode = LindoAPI.LSgetInfo(pModel, LindoAPI.LS_DINFO_POBJ, dObj)
LindoAPI.check_error(pEnv, errorcode)
  • LSgetPrimalSolution(pModel, padPrimal)
  • LSgetDualSolution(pModel, padDual)
  • LSgetMIPPrimalSolution(pModel, padPrimal)
  • LSgetMIPDualSolution(pModel, padDual)

The arguments for these functions are similar to those used by the MIP functions when the model has any integer variables.

pmodel: A pointer to model that is being queried. padPrimal: A vector of Cdouble that is the length of the number of variables in the model. The function will replace the values in the list with the primal values. padDual: A vector of Cdouble that is the length of the number of constraints in the model.

padPrimal = Vector{Cdouble}(undef, nVars)
errorcode = LindoAPI.LSgetPrimalSolution(pModel, padPrimal)
LindoAPI.check_error(pEnv, errorcode)

Freeing Model and Enviroment

LINDO API allocates memory that Julia does not manage. It is important to free this memory before ending the program. First free the memory allocated to each model attached to the environment then free the environment using the two functions described below.

  • LSdeleteModel(pModel)
  • LSdeleteEnv(pEnv)

pModel: A pointer to a model being freed pEnv: A pointer to the environment being freed

#delete LINDO model pointer
errorcode = LindoAPI.LSdeleteModel(pModel)
LindoAPI.check_error(pEnv, errorcode)

#delete LINDO environment pointer
errorcode = LindoAPI.LSdeleteEnv(pEnv)
LindoAPI.check_error(pEnv, errorcode)

Using the JuMP Interface

JuMP is a modeling language embedded in the Julia programming language. This section covers the functions from JuMP that LindoAPI.jl supports, and how to use them. Samples are also provided in the folder JuMP_interface for more concrete examples.

Table of Contents

  1. Creating a Model
  2. Making Variables
  3. Constraints
  4. Objectives
  5. Setting Model Attributes
  6. Calling the Optimizer
  7. Querying the Model
  8. Editing and Rerunning the Model

Creating a Model

Using the JuMP function Model will create an empty model.

model = Model(LindoAPI.Optimizer)

LindoAPI.Optimizer sets the optimizer to the LINDO API.

Making Variables

The LindoAPI.jl supports the JuMP macros @variable and @variables to attach variables to a model.

@variable(model, expr, args...)

expr: Includes variable or variables and bounds.

  • @variable(model, x) Single variable
  • @variable(model, x[1:n]) Vector of n variables.
  • @variable(model, x[1:n, 1:m]) Matrix of n by m variables.
  • @variable(model, a <= x[1:n] <= b) Vector n variables bounded between a and b

@variables(model, args...) add multiple variables wrapped in a begin ..end

    2 <= x1 <= 5
    1 <= x2
         x3 <= 10

args: Supports Bin for binary and Int for integer variables. This argument can be used on any of the above examples.

  • @variable(model, z[1:n], Int) Vector of n integer variables.

The variables in arrays can be accessed like typical julia array use x[i] to access ith variable in the array, and x[i,j] to access the i jth variable in a matrix.


There are two macros that can be used to attach constraints to a model @constraint and @NLconstraint. The first macro @constraint is used to add affine and quadratic constraints. The second @NLconstraint can add nonlinear constraints.

@constraint(model, ref, expr) @NLconstraint(model, ref, expr)

ref: A constraint name for referencing. This is an optional argument and is equivalent to ref = @NLconstraint(model, expr).

expr: Constraint expression. LindoAPI.jl supports the constraints <=, >= and ==.

In the quadratic constraint bellow the ref is con1 and the expr is x[1]*x[2] <= 6:

@constraint(model, con1, x[1]*x[2] <=  6)

In the nonlinear constraint bellow the ref is con2 and the expr is cos(x[1]*x[2]) >= 0:

@NLconstraint(model, con1, cos(x[1]*x[2]) >= 0)

Constraint expressions do not have to be written out term by term but can be simplified with matrix vector multiplication, dot products, summations, and products. This flexibility makes JuMP convenient for expressing complex optimization problems.

For the bellow examples

  • $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n,m}$
  • $Q \in \mathcal{S}^n$ where $\mathcal{S}^n$ is the set of n be n symmetric.
  • $a \in \mathbb{R}^n$
  • $x \in \mathbf{F}^n$ where $\mathbf{F}$ is real, integer, or binary.
  • $b \in \mathbb{R}^m$
  • $c \in \mathbb{R}$ To represent the constraint $Ax \leq b$:
@constraint(model, A*x .<= b)

To represent the constraint $a^Tx$ :

@constraint(model,  dot(x,a) <= c)

For quadratic constraints $\frac{1}{2}x^TQx + a^Tx &lt;= c$:

@constraint(model,  x'Q*x + dot(x,a) <= c)

When summations are more convenient to express a constraint the sum function can be used.

$\sum^n_{i=1,i\ne j} x_{i,j} = 1$ for $j = k$

@constraint(model, flow_into_k, sum(x[i,j] for i in 1:n if i != k) == 1)

Instead of writing the above constraint for $n$ times or defining them with a for loop JuMP has what is called constraint containers for generating an array of constraints. To create a constraint container, add a range [k = 1:n] to the constraint name. This will make n copies of a constraint with k as an iterator.

$\sum^n_{i=1,i\ne j} x_{i,j} = 1$ for $i = 1, \dots, n$

@constraint(model,flow_into[k = 1:n],
            sum(x[i,j] for i in 1:n if i != k) == 1)

Note: The @NLconstraint macro does not support any matrix vector multiplication or dot product. The sum function however works just like the @constraint and constraint containers are also available.


To attach an objective to a model, use either the macros @objective or @NLobjective.

@NLobjective(model, sense, expr)

sense: LindoAPI.jl supports Min and Max

expr: The objective expression is expressed just as the constraints are. For both types of objectives, the sum and prod functions are supported. For @objective matrix vector multiplication, and dot products are supported.

    w'* Q * w
    for i in 1:m, j in 1:n)

Note: JuMP currently only supports one objective function per model with @objective or @NLobjective.

Setting Model Attributes

Model attributes can be set using the overloaded function set_optimizer_attribute()

  • set_optimizer_attribute(model::Model, name::String, value)
  • set_optimizer_attribute(model::Model, name::LindoIntParam, value)
  • set_optimizer_attribute(model::Model, name::LindoDouParam, value)

set_optimizer_attribute(model::Model, name::String, value)

name: This argument can be any of the three listed below.

  • "use_global" toggles on/off the global solver.
  • "silent" toggles on/off the default callbacks
  • "solverMethod" Sets the solver method to LSoptimize().

value: Both "use_global" and "silent" only accept boolean arguments true or false. The acceptable arguments for "solverMethod" are the following integers.

method = 1  # LS_METHOD_PSIMPLEX

name: A type LindoIntParam is unique to the LindoAPI and is used to hold a Lindo API integer parameter.

value: The integer value of the parameter being set.

iparam = LindoAPI.LindoIntParam(LindoAPI.LS_IPARAM_SOLVER_METHOD)
solver_method = 3     #LS_METHOD_BARRIER

set_optimizer_attribute(model::Model, name::LindoDouParam, value)

name: A type LindoDouParam is also unique to the LindoAPI and is used hold a LINDO API double parameter.

value: The Float (64 bit) value of the parameter being set.

iparam = LindoAPI.LindoDouParam(LindoAPI.LS_DPARAM_IPM_BASIS_TOL_S)
adtol = 10^(-8)     #Maximum absolute dual bound violation

See manual Available Parameters section on page 64 for a detailed list of all parameters. Any parameter starting with LS_IPARAM will work with LindoIntParam and any parameter starting with LS_DPARAM will work with LindoDouParam.

Callback Functions

Custom callback functions can be attached to the model. To attach one to the model, use the overloaded MOI.set() function.

MOI.set(model, ::AbstractCallback, cbfunc)

::AbstractCallback Will represent the type of callback function being set. This abstract data type has been extended by four datatypes exclusive to the LindoAPI.jl

  • LogFunction(uDict::Dict{String, Any})
  • CallbackFunction(uDict::Dict{String, Any})
  • GOPCallbackFunction(uDict::Dict{String, Any})
  • MIPCallbackFunction(uDict::Dict{String, Any})

uDict: A dictionary of Data with keys of type String and data of any datatype. This is pass through data to access within the callback function.

This sample demonstrates the flexibility of uDict as passthrough data, the ease of writing a callback function, initializing a LogFunction type, and how to set a callback with MOI.set().

uDict = Dict(
"Prefix"     => "Custom Callback",
"Postfix"    => "...",
"firstPrint" => true,
"model"      => model)

function logFunc(modelPtr, line, uDict)
        if uDict["firstPrint"] == true
                uDict["firstPrint"] = false
logCallback = LogFunction(uDict)

MOI.set(model, LindoAPI.LogFunction(uDict), logFunc)

Here are templates for the all the callback functions

uDict = Dict(
"Prefix"     => "Custom Callback",
"Postfix"    => "...",)

function logFunc(modelPtr, line, uDict)
  # your code here
MOI.set(model, LindoAPI.LogFunction(uDict), logFunc)
function cbFunc(pModel, loc, uDict)
    # your code here
MOI.set(model, LindoAPI.CallbackFunction(uDict), cbFunc)
function cbMIPFunc(modelPtr, uDict, objValue, pimalValues)
    # your code here
MOI.set(model, LindoAPI.MIPCallbackFunction(uDict), cbMIPFunc)
function cbGOPFunc(modelPtr, uDict, objValue, pimalValues)
    # your code here
MOI.set(model, LindoAPI.GOPCallbackFunction(uDict), cbGOPFunc)

The uDict is the only data you need provide. The rest will be passed to the functions by the LINDO API. See the LINDO API manual for details on how to use Callbacks and LINDO API functions such as LSgetCallbackInfo().

Note By using JuMP the Mathoptinterface.jl libray is also imported and a constant MOI = Mathoptinterface is set.

Calling the Optimizer

Once the variables, constraints and objective have been added to the model use the function optimize!.


Querying the Model

A list of supported functions supported to query the model and its variables

  • termination_status(model)
  • raw_status(model)
  • primal_status(model)
  • dual_status(model)
  • objective_value(model)
  • dual_objective_value(model)
  • value(x)
  • reduced_cost(x)
  • dual(constraint_name)
  • get_optimizer_attribute(model,LindoAPI.Slack_or_Surplus())
  • solution_summary(model)
  • println(model)

termination_status(model) A list of all possible returns and what LINDO termination status maps to them.


raw_status(model) This function will return the LINDO termination status. For more detail on the LINDO termination status, see the Model Status table on pages 22-23 in the LINDO API manual.

julia> JuMP.raw_status(model)

primal_status(model) Returns:


dual_status(model) Returns


If the model is a MIP then dual_status(model) will return NO_SOLUTION unless the LS_IPARAM_MIP_DUAL_SOLUTION flag is set to 1.

objective_value(model) Returns the objective value of the model.

dual_objective_value(model) Returns the dual objective value of the model. Only works for continuous models.

value(x) This function takes a single variable and returns its value. If x is an array or matrix, use the . operator like so value.(x) to broadcast the function to each element.

reduced_cost(x) Returns the reduced cost of a single variable x. If x is an array or matrix use the . operator like so reduced_cost.(x) to broadcast the function to each element.

dual(constraint_name) Returns the dual price of a constraint. If the constraint is defined as an array use the . operator dual.(constraint_name) to broadcast the function to each element. This function only works when the model is continuous.

get_optimizer_attribute(model,LindoAPI.Slack_or_Surplus()) Returns an array of the slack variables for the model. The order of each element in the array is the order that the constraints are defined as in the model. This function will only work for the LindoAPI and no other solvers.

slacks = JuMP.get_optimizer_attribute(model,
portfolio_con_dual  = JuMP.dual(portfolio_con)
return_con_dual     = JuMP.dual(return_con)
portfolio_con_slack = slacks[1]
return_con_slack    = slacks[2]

solution_summary(model) Returns a struct that can be used to print out a solution summary.

julia> solution_summary(model)
* Solver : LINDO

* Status
  Termination status : OPTIMAL
  Primal status      : FEASIBLE_POINT
  Dual status        : FEASIBLE_POINT
  Message from the solver:

* Candidate solution
  Objective value      : 0.2428012179755081
  Dual objective value : 0.24280121682384317

* Work counters
  Solve time (sec)   : 0.00000

println(model) Prints out a mathematical/ algebraic representation of the model.

julia> println(model)
Max x + z
Subject to
x ? 0.0
z ? 0.0
(x ^ 2.0 + z ^ 2.0) - 4.0 = 0

Editing and Rerunning the Model

After optimize! has been called the model can be edited and then reoptimized with the changes. The four edits that can be done to a model are: adding constraints, adding variables, removing constraints, and removing variables. Any type of model can add new constraints, and variables. However, nonlinear models cannot remove constraints, or variables.

Adding constraints and variables to a model can be done the same as they are added to the model before calling optimize! using @constraint, @NLconstraint, @variable, and @variables.

Removing constraints and variables can be done with delete() functiondelete(model, constraintRef) .

constraintRef: The ref value set when the @constraint was created. Below is an example of deleting a constraint with constraintRef con:

@constraint(model, con, 4*x1 +  5*x2 +  8*x3 ==  40)
delete(model, con)

variableRef: the variable name created when the variable was created with @varaible or @variables. Below is an example of deleting the 3rd variable created with a@variable :

@variable(model, x[1:4], Bin)
delete(model, x[3])


The Julia Interface to LINDO API.







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