JavaScript ROOT testing with Node.js
This is set of tests for basic JSROOT functionality, using Node.js. On the first place one checks generation of SVG/PNG/JSON files. Optionally one also can enable interactivity testing
Clone JSROOT repository on the same level as this one:
[shell] git clone
[shell] git clone
After clone repository install all necessary modules:
[shell] cd jsroot
[shell] npm install
[shell] cd jsroot-test
[shell] npm install
One could also use specific tags of JSROOT and appropriate tag in the tests
Run tests and verify test SVG files:
[shell] node test.js [--verify]
Run tests only for TH1:
[shell] node test.js --key TH1
Run tests and overwrite test SVG files:
[shell] node test.js --create
Run more tests:
[shell] node test.js --create --more
Run with interactivity tests:
[shell] node test.js --create --more --interactive --key TH2
Run with xvfb
to get reproducible results on different platforms:
[shell] xvfb-run -s "-ac -screen 0 1280x1024x24" node test.js -c -m
If SVG file differs from stored in repository, difference can be checked with command:
[shell] ./ TH1/TH1.svg
This let use normal browsers without limitation of node.js. First of all, one need to start http server for JSROOT
[shell] python3 jsroot/server/
Then in other shell in the jstest directory:
[shell] node puppeteer.js -c -m -d -k TProfile
It supports similar list of arguments. There are only few special examples which are not match with node.js-generated files.