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feat(broccoli): Add naive caching strategy for Broccoli. (#190)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
 - Aggregator Broc plugin now lives in Broccoli package.
 - Use fs-tree-diff to better keep input and output dirs in sync with minimal changes.
 - Don't do any work if input directory has not changed.
 - Add more robust tests for Analyze and Aggregate plugins with broccoli-test-helper.
 - Use typed versions of walk-sync and fs-tree-diff.
 - TODO: If input directory has changed, we still re-build the world. This can be improved.
  • Loading branch information
amiller-gh committed Aug 20, 2018
1 parent 3179998 commit d63626f
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 19 changed files with 597 additions and 342 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"tslint": "^5.9.1",
"typedoc": "^0.11.0",
"typedoc-plugin-monorepo": "^0.1.0",
"typescript": "~2.8.0",
"typescript": "2.8",
"watch": "^1.0.2"
"workspaces": [
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions packages/@css-blocks/broccoli/package.json
Expand Up @@ -29,23 +29,26 @@
"devDependencies": {
"@css-blocks/code-style": "^0.18.0",
"@css-blocks/glimmer": "^0.19.0",
"@types/glob": "^5.0.35",
"broccoli-test-helper": "^1.4.0",
"watch": "^1.0.2"
"dependencies": {
"@css-blocks/core": "^0.19.0",
"@glimmer/compiler": "^0.33.0",
"@glimmer/syntax": "^0.33.0",
"@opticss/template-api": "^0.3.0",
"@types/recursive-readdir": "^2.2.0",
"broccoli-funnel": "^2.0.1",
"broccoli-merge-trees": "^3.0.0",
"broccoli-plugin": "^1.3.0",
"broccoli-test-helper": "^1.2.0",
"colors": "^1.2.1",
"debug": "^3.1.0",
"fs-extra": "^5.0.0",
"fs-tree-diff": "^0.5.9",
"glob": "^7.1.2",
"opticss": "^0.3.0",
"recursive-readdir": "^2.2.2",
"walk-sync": "^0.3.2"
"symlink-or-copy": "^1.2.0",
"walk-sync": "^0.3.3"
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions packages/@css-blocks/broccoli/src/Aggregate.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@

import * as path from "path";

import * as fs from "fs-extra";
import * as FSTree from "fs-tree-diff";
import * as walkSync from "walk-sync";

import { Transport } from "./Transport";
import { BroccoliPlugin } from "./utils";

// Common CSS preprocessor file endings to auto-discover
const COMMON_FILE_ENDINGS = [".scss", ".sass", ".less", ".stylus"];

* Process-global dumping zone for CSS output as it comes through the pipeline 🤮
* This will disappear once we have a functional language server and replaced
* with a post-build step.
export class CSSBlocksAggregate extends BroccoliPlugin {

private transport: Transport;
private out: string;
private _out = "";
private previousCSS = "";
private previous = new FSTree();

* Initialize this new instance with the app tree, transport, and analysis options.
* @param inputNodes Broccoli trees who's output we depend on. First node must be the tree where stylesheets are placed.
* @param transport Magical shared-memory Transport object shared with the aggregator and Template transformer.
* @param out Output file name.
// tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-whatever-to-any
constructor(inputNodes: any[], transport: Transport, out: string) {
super(inputNodes, {
name: "broccoli-css-blocks-aggregate",
persistentOutput: true,
this.transport = transport;
this.out = out;

* Re-run the broccoli build over supplied inputs.
build() {
let output = this.outputPath;
let input = this.inputPaths[0];
let { id, css } = this.transport;

// Test if anything has changed since last time. If not, skip trying to update tree.
let newFsTree = FSTree.fromEntries(walkSync.entries(input));
let diff = this.previous.calculatePatch(newFsTree);
if (diff.length) {
this.previous = newFsTree;
FSTree.applyPatch(input, output, diff);

// Auto-discover common preprocessor extensions.
if (!this._out) {
let prev = path.parse(path.join(input, this.out));
let origExt = prev.ext;
prev.base = ""; // Needed for path.format to register ext change
for (let ending of COMMON_FILE_ENDINGS) {
prev.ext = ending;
if (fs.existsSync(path.format(prev))) { break; }
prev.ext = origExt;
let out = path.parse(this.out);
out.base = ""; // Needed for path.format to register ext change
out.ext = prev.ext;
this._out = path.format(out);

let outHasChanged = !!diff.find((o) => o[1] === this._out);
if (outHasChanged || this.previousCSS !== css) {
let prev = path.join(input, this._out);
let out = path.join(output, this._out);
prev = fs.existsSync(prev) ? fs.readFileSync(prev).toString() : "";
if (fs.existsSync(out)) { fs.unlinkSync(out); }
fs.writeFileSync(out, `${prev}\n/* CSS Blocks Start: "${id}" */\n${css}\n/* CSS Blocks End: "${id}" */\n`);
this.previousCSS = css;
142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions packages/@css-blocks/broccoli/src/Analyze.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
import * as path from "path";

import { Analyzer, BlockCompiler, StyleMapping } from "@css-blocks/core";
import { TemplateTypes } from "@opticss/template-api";

import * as debugGenerator from "debug";
import * as fs from "fs-extra";
import * as FSTree from "fs-tree-diff";
import * as glob from "glob";
import { OptiCSSOptions, Optimizer, postcss } from "opticss";
import * as walkSync from "walk-sync";

import { Transport } from "./Transport";
import { BroccoliPlugin, symlinkOrCopy } from "./utils";

const debug = debugGenerator("css-blocks:broccoli");

export interface BroccoliOptions {
entry: string[];
output: string;
root: string;
analyzer: Analyzer<keyof TemplateTypes>;
optimization?: Partial<OptiCSSOptions>;

* Runs analysis on an `inputNode` that represents the entire
* application. `options.transport` will be populated with
* analysis results. Output is the same application tree
* with all Block files removed.
export class CSSBlocksAnalyze extends BroccoliPlugin {

private analyzer: Analyzer<keyof TemplateTypes>;
private entries: string[];
private output: string;
private root: string;
private transport: Transport;
private optimizationOptions: Partial<OptiCSSOptions>;
private previous: FSTree = new FSTree();

* Initialize this new instance with the app tree, transport, and analysis options.
* @param inputNode Single Broccoli tree node containing *entire* app.
* @param transport Magical shared-memory Transport object shared with the aggregator and Template transformer.
* @param options Analysis options.
// tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-whatever-to-any
constructor(inputNode: any, transport: Transport, options: BroccoliOptions) {
super([inputNode], {
name: "broccoli-css-blocks-analyze",
persistentOutput: true,
this.transport = transport;
this.entries = options.entry.slice(0);
this.output = options.output || "css-blocks.css";
this.optimizationOptions = options.optimization || {};
this.analyzer = options.analyzer;
this.root = options.root || process.cwd();
this.transport.css = this.transport.css ? this.transport.css : "";

* Re-run the broccoli build over supplied inputs.
async build() {
let input = this.inputPaths[0];
let output = this.outputPath;
let options = this.analyzer.cssBlocksOptions;
let blockCompiler = new BlockCompiler(postcss, options);
let optimizer = new Optimizer(this.optimizationOptions, this.analyzer.optimizationOptions);

// Test if anything has changed since last time. If not, skip all analysis work.
let newFsTree = FSTree.fromEntries(walkSync.entries(input));
let diff = this.previous.calculatePatch(newFsTree);
if (!diff.length) { return; }
this.previous = newFsTree;
FSTree.applyPatch(input, output, diff);

// When no entry points are passed, we treat *every* template as an entry point.
this.entries = this.entries.length ? this.entries : glob.sync("**/*.hbs", { cwd: input });

// The glimmer-analyzer package tries to require() package.json
// in the root of the directory it is passed. We pass it our broccoli
// tree, so it needs to contain package.json too.
// TODO: Ideally this is configurable in glimmer-analyzer. We can
// contribute that option back to the project. However,
// other template integrations may want this available too...
let pjsonLink = path.join(input, "package.json");
if (!fs.existsSync(pjsonLink)) {
symlinkOrCopy(path.join(this.root, "package.json"), pjsonLink);

// Oh hey look, we're analyzing.
await this.analyzer.analyze(input, this.entries);

// Compile all Blocks and add them as sources to the Optimizer.
// TODO: handle a sourcemap from compiling the block file via a preprocessor.
let blocks = this.analyzer.transitiveBlockDependencies();
for (let block of blocks) {
if (block.stylesheet) {
let root = blockCompiler.compile(block, block.stylesheet, this.analyzer);
let result = root.toResult({ to: this.output, map: { inline: false, annotation: false } });
let filesystemPath = options.importer.filesystemPath(block.identifier, options);
let filename = filesystemPath || options.importer.debugIdentifier(block.identifier, options);

// If this Block has a representation on disk, remove it from our output tree.
if (filesystemPath) {
let outputStylesheet = path.join(output, path.relative(input, filesystemPath));
debug(`Removing block file ${outputStylesheet} from output.`);
if (fs.existsSync(outputStylesheet)) { fs.removeSync(outputStylesheet); }

// Add the compiled Block file to the optimizer.
content: result.css,

// Add each Analysis to the Optimizer.
this.analyzer.eachAnalysis((a) => optimizer.addAnalysis(a.forOptimizer(options)));

// Run optimization and compute StyleMapping.
let optimized = await optimizer.optimize(this.output);
let styleMapping = new StyleMapping<keyof TemplateTypes>(optimized.styleMapping, blocks, options, this.analyzer.analyses());

// Attach all computed data to our magic shared memory transport object...
this.transport.mapping = styleMapping;
this.transport.blocks = blocks;
this.transport.analyzer = this.analyzer;
this.transport.css += optimized.output.content.toString();

debug(`Compilation Finished: ${}`);


24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions packages/@css-blocks/broccoli/src/Transport.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
import { Analyzer, Block, StyleMapping } from "@css-blocks/core";
import { TemplateTypes } from "@opticss/template-api";

// Magic shared memory transport object 🤮
// This will disappear once we have a functional language server.
export class Transport {
id: string;
css = "";
blocks: Set<Block> = new Set();
mapping?: StyleMapping<keyof TemplateTypes>;
analyzer?: Analyzer<keyof TemplateTypes>;

constructor(id: string) { = id;

reset() {
this.css = "";
this.blocks = new Set();
this.mapping = undefined;
this.analyzer = undefined;

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