High level S3 wrapper for Go.
NewLinoS3(sess *session.Session) -> LinoS3
-> UseInterceptors(...interceptors) -> LinoS3 (sub entities will inherit these interceptors)
-> Bucket(bucketName) -> LinoS3Bucket
-> UseInterceptors(...interceptors) -> LinoS3Bucket
-> Object(key) -> LinoS3Object
-> SubPath(subPath) -> LinoS3Path
-> Piece(objectKey, start, end) -> LinoS3Piece
-> PieceByKey(pieceKey) -> LinoS3Piece
-> UseInterceptors(...interceptors) -> LinoS3Path
-> Object(key) -> LinoS3Object
-> SubPath(subPath) -> LinoS3Path
-> UseInterceptors(...interceptors) -> LinoS3Path
-> HasInterceptors() -> bool
-> Piece(start, end) -> LinoS3Piece
-> Get() -> *s3.GetObjectOutput
-> Put(s3.PutObjectInput) -> *s3.PutObjectOutput
// key and bucket in input will be overrided,so it is not necessary to set them
-> Upload(s3manager.UploadInput) -> *s3manager.UploadOutput
-> Delete() => *s3.DeleteObjectOutput
-> ReadTo(io.Writer)
-> ReadBuffer() -> buffer
-> ReadString() -> string
-> ReadJSON(&value) // encoding/json
-> ReadCBOR(&value) // github.com/fxamacker/cbor/v2
-> ReadCSV(&value) // github.com/gocarina/gocsv
-> WriteFrom(io.Reader, contentType? string)
-> WriteBuffer(buffer, contentType? string)
-> WriteString(string, contentType? string)
-> WriteJSON(&value)
-> WriteCBOR(&value)
-> WriteCSV(&value)
-> Key() -> string // pieceKey
-> Get() -> *s3.GetObjectOutput
-> ReadTo(io.Writer)
-> ReadBuffer() -> buffer
-> ReadString() -> string
-> ReadJSON(&value)
-> ReadCBOR(&value)
-> ReadCSV(&value)
-> Key() -> string // pieceKey
import (
s3 := lino_s3.NewLinoS3(session).Bucket("bucket")
blocksDir := bucket.SubPath("blocks:v1").UseInterceptors(interceptors.Gzip)
block SomeStruct
blockObject := blocksDir.Object("somekey.gz").ReadCBOR(&block);
block.SomeField = "new value"
import "github.com/linolabx/lino_s3/utils"
utils.HashSplit("123456") // "e1/0a/dc"
utils.HashSplit("123456", 5) // "e1/0a/dc/39/49"
utils.HashPrefix("hello.txt") // "2e/54/14/hello.txt"
utils.HashPrefix("hello.txt", 3) // "2e/54/14/hello.txt"
import (
bucket := s3.Bucket("bucket")
obj := bucket.Object("my-map")
someMap := lino_s3_map.NewMap(obj)
someMap.Set("foo1", []byte{"bar1"})
someMap.Set("foo2", []byte{"bar2"})
// save index of items in the first bytes, and then items
// read bytes from memory
someMap.Get("foo1") // []byte{"bar1"}
// directly read required bytes from s3
pieceKey, _ := someMap.PieceKey("foo1")
bucket.PieceByKey(pieceKey).ReadBuffer() // []byte{"bar1"}
// load map index, and then read required bytes from s3
secondMap := lino_s3_map.LoadMap(obj)
secondMap.Get("foo1") // []byte{"bar1"}
// load entire map, and then read required bytes from memory
thirdMap := lino_s3_map.NewMap(obj)
thirdMap.Get("foo1") // []byte{"bar1"}
start minio, and default access key and secret key is minioadmin:minioadmin
docker run --name lino-s3-test --rm -p 9000:9000 -p 9001:9001 quay.io/minio/minio server /data --console-address ":9001"
docker exec -it lino-s3-test mc alias set minio http://localhost:9000 minioadmin minioadmin
docker exec -it lino-s3-test mc mb minio/lino-stor