is a Python client to access worldwide news programmatically using the News API standard web services. The client provides access to API version 1 and API version 2 data, where a few lines of code can return a tidy data set ready for scientific or data-driven exploration.
Each user must sign up for an API Key at the News API website to use newsapi
; users will also find documentation for the API along with explanations of parameters and examples of use.
import newsapi
# create the object with or without authentication
api = newsapi.Api(version=2,api_key=<enter apikey>)
# api.SetCredentials(<enter apikey>) # alternative credentials entry
# use version 2 news search by phrase or word of interst
stories = api.searchnews(sources='usa-today',keywords='chiefs')
sportsources = api.getsources(category='sport') # get sports providers
headlines = api.getheadlines() # get headlines
You will only return the data allowed by your plan. For details on how to upgrade or change your plan, visit
can also retrieve version 1.0 API data.
import newsapi
# create the object with or without authentication
api = newsapi.Api(version=1,api_key=<enter apikey>)
# use version 1 news search by phrase or word of interest
# version 1 will ignore the keywords search
stories = api.searchnews(sources='usa-today',keywords='chiefs')
polsources = api.getsources(category='politics')