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lib-tokenize (v0.1.5)

A library for tokenizing strings.

lib-tokenize can identify keywords, symbols, string literals, numerics, and whitespace within a string. The tokenize function will parse a given string and return an array of Token objects which detail each token, it's type, and location within the string.

Getting Started

Install via NPM:

npm install @liquicode/lib-tokenize

Quick Overview

Include the tokenize library in your source code:

let LIB_TOKENIZE = require( '@liquicode/lib-tokenize' );

Instantiate a new Tokenizer object:

let tokenizer = LIB_TOKENIZE.NewTokenizer();

Configure the Tokenizer object:

tokenizer.whitespace = ` \t\r\n`;
tokenizer.symbols = `,;=`;
tokenizer.literal_delimiters = `'"`;
tokenizer.literal_escape_chars = `\\`;
tokenizer.keywords = [ 'set', 'get' ];

Tokenize some text into an array of Token objects:

let tokens = tokenizer.tokenize( "set X=3" )
// tokens array =
// ┌─────────┬───────┬───────┬────┐
// │ (index) │ type  │ token │ at │
// ├─────────┼───────┼───────┼────┤
// │    0    │ 'kwd' │ 'set' │ 0  │
// │    1    │ 'wsp' │  ' '  │ 3  │
// │    2    │ 'idf' │  'X'  │ 4  │
// │    3    │ 'sym' │  '='  │ 5  │
// │    4    │ 'num' │  '3'  │ 6  │
// └─────────┴───────┴───────┴────┘

Structure of a Token Object

The tokenize function takes a string and returns an array of Token objects:

  • type: (string) The type of the token. See Token Types below.
  • token: (string) The actual text of the token.
  • at: (integer) The index at which the token begins within the given string.

Token Types

The lib-tokenize library also exports a TokenTypes object which provides more programmatic access to values of the Token.type field:

let LIB_TOKENIZE = require( '@liquicode/lib-tokenizer' );
	whitespace: 'wsp',
	symbol: 'sym',
	delimiter: 'del',
	literal: 'lit',
	identifier: 'idf',
	numeric: 'num',
	keyword: 'kwd',

Configuration Settings

The Tokenizer object has a number of properties to control the tokenization process:

  • whitespace: string of characters constituting whitespace.
  • symbols: string of symbol characters.
  • literal_delimiters: quote characters (e.g. ' and ")
  • literal_escape_chars: characters allowed as escape characters within a string literal.
  • self_escape_literal_delimiters: (boolean) Allow self escaping literal delimiters (e.g. "Hello ""World""!").
  • keywords: array of keywords.
  • discard_whitespace: (boolean) Discard any whitespace tokens found in the text.
  • keywords_are_case_sensitive: (boolean) Keyword matching is case sesnsitive.


The Tokenizer object has a single function used to tokenize text:

  • function tokenize( Text ): Tokenize a text string into an array of tokens.


Tokenize a CSV String


// The string we are going to tokenize.
let text = `0001,"John","O'Malley","The ""Boss""","ABC-1234"`;

// Get an instance of a tokenizer.
const LIB_TOKENIZE = require( '@liquicode/lib-tokenizer' );
let tokenizer = LIB_TOKENIZE.NewTokenizer();

// Configure the tokenizer to handle csv text.
tokenizer.symbols = [ `,` ]; // Comma seperated values.
tokenizer.literal_delimiters = `"`; // Use double quotes around values.
tokenizer.literal_escape_chars = `\\`; // Allow an escape character.
tokenizer.self_escape_literal_delimiters = true; // Allow self-delimiting double quotes.

// Break the text up into an array of tokens.
let tokens = tokenizer.tokenize( text );
console.table( tokens );


$ node samples/tokenize-csv.js
│ (index) │ type  │      token       │ at │
│    0    │ 'num' │      '0001'      │ 0  │
│    1    │ 'sym' │       ','        │ 4  │
│    2    │ 'lit' │     '"John"'     │ 5  │
│    3    │ 'sym' │       ','        │ 11 │
│    4    │ 'lit' │  '"O\'Malley"'   │ 12 │
│    5    │ 'sym' │       ','        │ 22 │
│    6    │ 'lit' │ '"The ""Boss"""' │ 23 │
│    7    │ 'sym' │       ','        │ 37 │
│    8    │ 'lit' │   '"ABC-1234"'   │ 38 │

Tokenize Pseudo-Code


// The string we are going to tokenize.
let text = `set X=3`;

// Get an instance of a tokenizer.
const LIB_TOKENIZE = require( '@liquicode/lib-tokenizer' );
let tokenizer = LIB_TOKENIZE.NewTokenizer();

// Configure the tokenizer to handle the pseudo-code.
tokenizer.whitespace = ` \t\r\n`;
tokenizer.symbols = `,;=`;
tokenizer.literal_delimiters = `'"`;
tokenizer.literal_escape_chars = `\\`;
tokenizer.keywords = [ 'set', 'get' ];

// Break the text up into an array of tokens.
let tokens = tokenizer.tokenize( text );
console.table( tokens );


$ node samples/tokenize-pseudo-code-1.js 
│ (index) │ type  │ token │ at │
│    0    │ 'kwd''set' │ 0  │
│    1    │ 'wsp'' '  │ 3  │
│    2    │ 'idf''X'  │ 4  │
│    3    │ 'sym''='  │ 5  │
│    4    │ 'num''3'  │ 6  │

Tokenize Simple Words


// The string we are going to tokenize.
let text = `The dog chased the cat because dogs chase cats!`;

// Get an instance of a tokenizer.
const LIB_TOKENIZE = require( '@liquicode/lib-tokenizer' );
let tokenizer = LIB_TOKENIZE.NewTokenizer();

// Configure the tokenizer to handle the pseudo-code.
tokenizer.whitespace = ` \t\r\n`;
tokenizer.discard_whitespace = true;
tokenizer.symbols = `.!?`;
tokenizer.literal_delimiters = `'"`;
tokenizer.literal_escape_chars = `\\`;
tokenizer.keywords = [ 'Dog', 'Dogs', 'Cat', 'Cats' ];
tokenizer.keywords_are_case_sensitive = false;

// Break the text up into an array of tokens.
let tokens = tokenizer.tokenize( text );
console.table( tokens );


$ node samples/tokenize-simple-words.js 
│ (index) │ type  │   token   │ at │
│    0    │ 'idf''The'   │ 0  │
│    1    │ 'kwd''dog'   │ 4  │
│    2    │ 'idf''chased'  │ 8  │
│    3    │ 'idf''the'   │ 15 │
│    4    │ 'kwd''cat'   │ 19 │
│    5    │ 'idf''because' │ 23 │
│    6    │ 'kwd''dogs'   │ 31 │
│    7    │ 'idf''chase'  │ 36 │
│    8    │ 'kwd''cats'   │ 42 │
│    9    │ 'sym''!'    │ 46 │