Low cost, high performance cloud based website hosting manager.
A robust Minecraft server management tool using Google Cloud.
A comprehensive Software Develompent Life Cycle management tool.
- resource-item: Provides configurable 'Item' class to wrap plain data object for data protection and sanitization.
- resource-model: Provides CRUD support for plain data objects and JSON/YAML based data files.
- command-line-documentation: Generates Markdown "user guide" based off CLI spec compatible with command-line-args and command-line-usage.
- find-plus: A file finder patterned after Linux's find.
- regex-repo: A collection of useful regular expressions.
- @liquid-labs/playground-monitor: A file-watching utility to track changes to a developers "playground".
- @liquid-labs/worker-manager: A simple worker thread library providing worker management and status tracking.
- @liquid-labs/wrap-text: Library and CLI to wrap text for any width with handling for invisible formatting, smart list indentation, and more.