A basic expense tracking web app where users login to their account to view, add, update and delete expenses.
- React and css modules for the frontend UI
- Firebase 9 backend for database and authorization
- CRUD operations
This app is an extension of an assignment from the course: Build Websites with React & Firebase. I added to the project in several key ways:
- updated the code from Firebase 8 to Firebase 9 modules
- updated the routing to React Router 6
- added Edit/Update operations, so the user can edit/update their entries
- added an overview section to include: an editable initial budget amount, and coded mathematical functions for the amount spent and the remainder values
- added input logic so users can only enter amounts with upto 2 decimals, no negative values and no empty values.
To develop with Firebase 9, I referred to these repositories and tutorials:
For working with multiple collections in Cloud Firestore: