A simple phone book application using react and redux
The delivered app solves the brief and also offers the following power ups
- Hosted on firebase, leveraging all kinds of Google goodness
- Persistant redux store (like cookies but better)
- Material UI for quick, modern, responsive UI frameworking
Below is the original technical test readme.
Create a simple phone book application using react and redux. Follow the layout provided below.
- First Name Last Name Phone No. -
- [ ] [ ] [ ] -
- -
- -
- [Save] [Cancel] -
- -
- [First Name] | [Last Name] | [Phone Number] | -
- John | Smith | 1234 | [Edit] -
- | | | [Edit] -
- | | | [Edit] -
- | | | [Edit] -
- | | | [Edit] -
- React and Redux must be used.
- You are free to use whatever additionaly libraries you would like.
- The application must pass the following 4 test cases.
- Enter a first name, last name and phone number into the input fields.
- Clicking save should add the entry into a store. This store should be persistant i.e local storage. Once saved it should show in the table below.
Note: Try to treat reading and writing the data the way you would if you were consuming a RESTful API.
- List the contacts first name, last name and phone number in the table. The contact should load from the persistant store.
- Click the edit button next to the contact in the table and populate the input fields with the values.
- Modify the information and click save to update the existing record in the store.
- Click the edit button to load the selected user data as above.
- Modify the information and click Cancel. The data should not be updated in local storage or table.
- Write a unit test.
- Add sorting on the table
- Allow filtering/searching the table.
- Clone this react-tech-test repo.
- Demonstrate appropriate use of source control/ versioning;
- Adhere to modern coding standards/ practices;
- Be merged to master with a merge commit;
- Be testable;
- Solve the problem.
- This repository should be private cloned and shared with us when complete.
Dev Time from cloning bitbucket repo to final develop>master merge ≈ 6.5 hrs
Please note our solution does deviate slightly from the original brief. This is due to the constraints of completing the task in a very short time & wishing to showcase some of our current React development skills in the time allotted.
This simple phonebook app offers the following power ups
- Full Progressive Web App with all the correct manifests/icons & a 87% lighthouse audit score
- Hosted on Google Firebase, leveraging tech like as firestore database
- Aatars
- Persistant redux store (like cookies but better)
- Material UI for quick, modern, responsive UI frameworking
Further development of this app might include
- Look at importing/exporting contacts as JSON
- Upload avatars
- Develop the contact object to use many more fields
- Push notifications to let users know when they've been added to another's list