{ASP.NET 5, MVC 6, EF 7, Web API, AngularJS, Angular Material, PBKDF2, NUnit}
Simple user account management application with basic CRUD operations to manage a user base.
- View a list of the users with pagination
- Create a new user
- Edit a specific user's details (except password and username)
- Edit a specific user's password
- Delete a specific user
- Check username and password combination
- Styled and responsive using AngularJS Material
- 8 user accounts are seeded into database upon application startup
- Simple filtering capabilities when displaying list of users
- Custom AngularJS theme
- Required validation, and email and password pattern validation using ng-messages
- Passwords are hashed using Pbkdf2 and HMACSHA1 with a 32 byte hash and 32 byte salt
- Follows AngularJS styleguide from [here] (https://github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide/blob/master/a1/README.md#application-structure-lift-principle)
- Example NUnit testing
- Implement a service layer
- Implement logging and exception handling
- Implement token based authorization
- Implement more nUnit tests
- Implement Angular Material datepicker
- Implement pattern validation on phone and mobile fields
- Implement better responsivity on mobile and tablet devices