This is a project of ENPM662!
The main purpose is to practice how to design the car model on SolidWorks and spawn the model in Gazebo.
Utilizing ROS frame, the car model can control the joints with Teleop.
Here are the display videos:
Gazebo with Teleop, own car and laser model
Gazebo with Publisher and Subscriber
- First (source the file):
Typeunder the terminal with the Package path. Or typesource /devel/setup.bash
and add the setup.bash path under the buttom.gedit ~/.bashrc
- Second (Run Gazebo):
Open a terminal and typeThe world map and the car would display in gazebo.roslaunch car_gazebo car_world.launch
- Third (Run Teleop):
Open another terminal and typeIt should appear the path to the package car_control. Then typeroscd car_control
, the car could be controlled with {u i o j k l m , .}python3
- First (Run Gazebo):
Open a terminal and type(make sure the file have been source)roslaunch car_gazebo car_world.launch
- Second (Run Publisher):
Open another terminal and typeIt should appear the path to the package car_control. Then typeroscd car_control
The car would start to move and the terminal will show the command.python3
- Third (Run Subscriber):
Open another terminal and typeIt should appear the path to the package car_control. Then typeroscd car_control
The terminal would show the command from the topic which the publisher sends to the topic.python3