- Basic regression in Python
- Locally reweighted regression
- Mini-batch SGD gradient estimator
- Class conditional Gaussians
- Hand-written digits classification 2.1 KNN Classifier 2.2 Conditional Gaussians classifier 2.3 Naive Bayes Classifier 2.4 Model comparison
- 20 Newsgroups preditctions 1.1 Neural Nets model 1.2 Logistic classification 1.3 SVM model 1.4 Bernoulli Naive Bayes model
- SVM Model analysis 2.1 SGD with momentum 2.2 Training SVM 2.3 Compare the effectiveness for digit 4 and digit 9
- Kernel function 3.1 Kernel properties.
===================================================================================== Besides the content of Assignments, the course also include decision tree, Principle Component Analysis(PCA), t-SNE, EM alorgrithm, Ensembles (Gradient Boosting) and Reinforcement Learning (Q learning).