Erwin scripts and other tools.
This project is simply a collection of and templates to help with working with ERwin data models.
The pre- and post-scripts have a standard naming convention as follows:
Note that anything with a platform of generic
should work with any targeted platform. YMMV.
Currently, I have:
- generic.model.prescript.create_backup: For each table in a forward engineering effort, this will create a backup of a given table as schema.tablename_BKP_YYYY_MM_DD
- generic.model.postscript.load_from_backup:
For each table in a forward engineering effort, this will generate an INSERT statement to load the new table from the backup (created from the create_backup script). Note that there is a
prior to the opening parenthesis in the column list. This is due to the way ERwin interprets parentheses in scripts, and there is no escape character that I am aware of at this time. - vertica.table.prescript.drop_table: This will create a drop table statement in the form of drop table if exists schema.tablename.
- vertica.table.postscript.create_projections: This will create a superprojection for each table in the forward engineering effort. This will segment the projection on the primary key.
The following forward engineering templates are currently available:
There is one table UDP which need to be created for use with this FET:
- DistributionKey
This should have a default value of "random". Otherwise provide the relevant column names in the appropriate places, and it should generate accordingly.
There are three table UDPs which need to be created for use with this FET:
- OrderBy
- PartitionBy
- SegmentedBy
Each of these should have a default value of "None". Otherwise provide the relevant column names in the appropriate places, and it should generate accordingly.