This tool is used for analyzing CDN logs. It downloads data, analyze it and insert results into an PosgreSQL database.
Usage of download:
- bucketurl (string): The url of the bucket where logs are located
- folder (string): The destination folder
- verbose (bool)
./cdn-log-analytics download -bucket lp-cdn-logs-e9u3qf432 -folder download -verbose
Usage of analyze:
- folder (string): Logs source folder
- format (string): Output file format. It can be sql or csv
- output (string): Output file path
- verbose (bool)
./cdn-log-analytics analyze -folder ./example-logs -output test.sql -format sql
./cdn-log-analytics analyze -folder ./example-logs -output test.csv -format csv
Usage of insert:
- filepath (string): Path to the file containing the query to execute.
- host (string): PostgreSQL host. (default value: localhost) (default "localhost")
- port (int): PostgreSQL port. (default value: 5432) (default 5432)
- user (string): Database username
- password (string): Database password
- db (string): Database name
- verbose (bool)
./cdn-log-analytics insert -host localhost -port 5432 -user logs -password Passw0rd -db itpqedrl -filepath ./test.sql -verbose
docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64 .