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This repository seeks to fine-tune CLIP model on a dataset contains image-caption pairs.

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CLIP Fine-tuning on Cytopathologic Image-caption Pairs

This is a project of course "Image Processing and Analysis" of Westlake University, and this repository seeks to fine-tune CLIP model on a dataset contains 40,000 cytopathologic image-caption pairs.


Setup environment

  1. Install Pytorch

This project is experimented on Pytorch-2.0, please refer to Pytorch's official webpage for installation.

  1. Install dependency packages
git clone
cd CLIP-Finetune
pip install -r requirements.txt

Download pretrained CLIP models

The pretrained CLIP model we used is OpenAI's official checkpointing on huggingface-hub, and the CLIP version is openai/clip-vit-base-patch16. You can choose other CLIP versions under OpenAI's repositories. For more details about usage of huggingface's model please refer to this page.

Setup dataset

Your dataset should be in this structure:

- data_root
    - train
        - imgs
            - xxx.jpg/png
            - xxx.jpg/png
        - img_text_pair.json
    - val
        - imgs
        - img_text_pair.json

Here img_text_pair.json should contains a list of dictionaries where each dictionary represents a image-text pair.

        "img": "xxx.jpg/png",
        "caption": "..."

Start training

  1. Configure hyper-parameters

Configure your own training hyper-parameters under configs/{exp_name}.yaml.

  1. Configure Accelerate

This project uses library Accelerate for mixed-precision and distributed training, before training start, you need configure your accelerate using accelerate config on your shell.

  1. Train!
accelerate launch --config configs/{exp_name}.yaml


python --data_root {data_root} --batch_size {batch_size} --ks 1 10 50 \
    --pretrained_clip_path {pretrained_clip_path} \
    --pretrained_lora_path {pretrained_lora_path} \
    --retrieval_type image

This command will compute metrics of hit@1,10,50 for image retrieval on the validation dataset of given data_root with batch_size, pretrained_clip_path, pretrained_lora_path specified. When both two pretrained model path provided, pretrained_lora_path first.

Defaultly it will compute hit@k for images on all captions in the validation dataset. Finally, a .json file contains evaluation results will be saved in the provided pretrained path.

Experiment logs

evaluation before fine-tuning

Directly perform evaluation on openai/clip-vit-base-patch16

hit@10: 0.0011
hit@25: 0.0026
hit@50: 0.0050
hit@100: 0.0101


directly using the raw data (unprocessed) to fine-tune the whole model, all captions are padding or truncated to the model_max_length, which is 77.

3090 GPU x 4, each with batch size as 128, learning rate as 1e-5 with 100 steps warmup, training steps as 5000.

Time consuming: ~2.5h
GPU memory consuming: 22G
Number of Parameters: 100%

hit@10: 0.0954
hit@25: 0.1625
hit@50: 0.2343
hit@100: 0.3254


Fine-tune CLIP model with LoRA and all attention projection layers (Q, K, V) are applied with LoRA. LoRA rank is set as 8 and it's scaling factor is set to 1. The dataset is the same as clip_ft_full_raw_data.

3090 GPU x 4, each with batch size as 128, learning rate initially 0.002 under cosine scheduler gradually decay to 0 with no warmup, training steps as 10000.

Time consuming: ~2h
GPU memory consuming: 16G
Number of Parameters: 0.49%

hit@10: 0.0422
hit@25: 0.0844
hit@50: 0.1418
hit@100: 0.2225


same setting with clip_ft_full_raw_data except that trained for 10000 steps with learning rate initially 5.0e-06 decayed to 0 under cosine scheduler and with 100 steps of warmup.

hit@10: 0.1014
hit@25: 0.1751
hit@50: 0.2496
hit@100: 0.3476


same setting with clip_ft_lora_raw_data

hit@10: 0.0525
hit@25: 0.1006
hit@50: 0.1619
hit@100: 0.2515


This repository seeks to fine-tune CLIP model on a dataset contains image-caption pairs.






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