This project provides a simple helper method to stub ENV values within RSpec tests.
To start using it, install the gem in your project in the test group.
gem 'stub_env'
Then add the following to your rails_config.rb
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include StubEnv::Helpers
There are 2 possible usages. The first is to stub a single value:
stub_env('key', 'value')
puts ENV['key'] # => "value"
puts ENV.fetch('key') # => "value"
These will work in series, so you can stub multiple values by making multiple calls:
stub_env('key1', 'value1')
stub_env('key2', 'value2')
puts ENV['key1'] # => "value1"
puts ENV['key2'] # => "value2"
puts ENV.fetch('key1') # => "value1"
puts ENV.fetch('key2') # => "value2"
The second method is to stub multiple values using a hash:
stub_env({'key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2'})
puts ENV['key1'] # => "value1"
puts ENV['key2'] # => "value2"
puts ENV.fetch('key1') # => "value1"
puts ENV.fetch('key2') # => "value2"
You can also use this multiple times, and in combination with the other method:
stub_env({'key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2'})
stub_env('key3', 'value3')
stub_env({'key4' => 'value4'})
puts ENV['key1'] # => "value1"
puts ENV['key2'] # => "value2"
puts ENV['key3'] # => "value3"
puts ENV['key4'] # => "value4"
puts ENV.fetch('key1') # => "value1"
puts ENV.fetch('key2') # => "value2"
puts ENV.fetch('key3') # => "value3"
puts ENV.fetch('key4') # => "value4"
All ENV values not stubbed will return their original values.
# Given ENV['unstubbed_key'] = 'unstubbed_value'
stub_env('key', 'value')
puts ENV['key'] # => "value"
puts ENV['unstubbed_key'] # => "unstubbed_value"
puts ENV.fetch('key') # => "value"
puts ENV.fetch('unstubbed_key') # => "unstubbed_value"