Based on edge-tts encapsulation of speech to text, speech is generated according to text, the same copy is generated only once, real-time generation.
Web UI:
pip3 install edge_tts
"serverURI": "localhost",
"localPort": 59443,
"audioPath": "/media-files/",
"mediaFilesRoot": "/home/wwwroot/tts-service",
"validTokenStr": ""
systemd: tts-service.service
sudo systemctl anable tts-service
sudo systemctl start tts-service
sudo systemctl stop tts-service
sudo systemctl restart tts-service
sudo systemctl status tts-service
Recommended tool for hot update debugging and building: air:
# .air.toml
# build
cmd = "env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o ./build/bin/tts-service tts_service.go"
# port
port = "8081"
Audio file deploy web root directory:
mkdir -p /home/wwwroot/tts-service/media-files
### nginx proxy
web request audio path:
### GET or POST Method(Nginx proxy)
test access_token: 02bd6f28f95dc84cfbf22e0ce1083f77
nohup /data/edge-tts/tts-service > /dev/null 2>&1 &
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- xiaoyi: 【zh-CN-XiaoyiNeural】
- xiaoxiao: 【zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural】
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- yunxia: 【zh-CN-YunxiaNeural】
- yunyang: 【zh-CN-YunyangNeural】
- LIAONING-xiaobei: 【zh-CN-liaoning-XiaobeiNeural】
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- TW-xiaoyu: 【zh-TW-HsiaoYuNeural】
- TW-yunzhe: 【zh-TW-YunJheNeural】