It's simple. It's fast. It's LKT Templates!
Are you tired of complex PHP template engine?
Would you like to code just like in regular PHP?
Then this lib is for you!
composer require lkt/templates
LKT Templates works with PHTML/PHP files.
In a PHTML file you can do anything you can do with PHP, just remember the colon syntax.
For example, take this layout.phtml
<div><?php echo $title; ?></div>
<?php foreach ($data as $datum): ?>
<div><?php echo $datum; ?></div>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php if(isset($favouriteDrink)): ?>
<div>Favourite drink: <?php echo $favouriteDrink; ?></div>
<? endif; ?>
You may be asking where the data came from? That's what follows
This is how you access to layout.phtml
use Lkt\Templates\Template;
// Create a template instance:
$template = Template::file('layout.phtml'); // You can set a relative path, but absolute path it's allowed too
// Feed the data
'title' => 'Hello from LKT Templates!',
'data' => [1,2]
// If you want to, you can add more data with:
$template->set('favouriteDrink', 'Apple juice'); // PEGI 3+ example
// Parse the layout
$html = $template->parse(); // String returned
// And now you can just print the html or do whatever you want to do with that string
echo $html;
// Alternatively, you can just print the template, and it will be automatically parsed:
echo $template; // equal to echo $template->parse();
The layout used in this readme feed with data as shown in the PHP example will print something like this:
<div>Hello from LKT Templates!</div>
<div>Favourite drink: Apple juice</div>
$template = Template::file(__DIR__ . '/path/to/layout.phtml');