This respository was created for archiving my uni subjetct projects.
The project "EmbeddedSoftware" was developed by me individually on Freescale's Kinetis K70 tower system board using C language. Tons of basic and intermediate knowledges that associated with embedded software developemnt have been practiced in depth, such as the use of pointer, enum, and struct, or the use of external library to implement multi-threading programming.
The project "Simple_uni_timetable" was developed by me individually. It is a simple Java desktop application which is be able to register/deregister students, enroll/withdrawl subjects, login/logoff the system. It applys basic Java knowledges such as Java FXML, Javabeans, Observer and listner mode, exception, etc. There is a tiny little bit of software architecture practice involved as well, which is the "model view and controller architecture" A.K.A MVC.