This is the code for this video on Youtube by Siraj Raval on building an AI Startup with PyTorch. This is the original Dialogflow + Android integration project. This is the colab that I demonstrated in the video where I train the PyTorch model on movie reviews, then convert it to ONNX, then to Tensorflow's expected protobuf format.
Due date is May 15 2019 Submit your entry here.
- Firebase
- Paypal
- Tensorflow Lite
- DialogFlow
- PyTorch
Download Android Studio then import this project. Since I've placed the dependencies in the build.gradle file, it should auto-download them for you, which is awesome. It needs more features, and better integrated dataflow. I could've put more time into it, but I'm on to the next one. The model was too big to upload to GitHub. Place any .pb model into the app/src/main/assets folder and Tensorflow lite will detect it so it can be used for inference.
So many people. I stand on the shoulders of giants. Respect to all developers.