In this excercise we will implement a simple entry / exit register application.
- Redux basics excercises must be completed first.
- Redux Sagas workshop must be completed first.
Implement a daily entry/exit register application:
- Target will be table.
- It will display a list of entries.
- A given user can add a new entry.
- A given user can register his exit time.
- It should support pad signature.
List of cases to be assigned:
[1] Create a simple backend (we will make use of JSON server).
- [Depends on 1][1.2] Create an API entry that will provide today's list of entries.
- [Depends on 1][1.3] Create an API entry that will read an specific entry data.
- [Depends on 1][1.4] Create an API entry that will allow to insert a new entry.
- [Depends on 1][1.5] Create an API entry that will allow to update an exit.
[2] Create a reducer that will contain the list of todays entries
- [Depends on 2+1.2][7] Create a saga that will read a list of users form API and store it in the reducer.
- [Depends on 2+1.4][8] Create a saga to insert a new entry and updates the entry reducer
- [Depens on 2+.1.4][9] Create a saga to update exit time on both api and reducer
[3] Layout
- Build the application layout (header / footer).
[4] Pods UI Components
- Build the list of entries UI (use viewmodel + mockdata).
- Build the add new entry UI (use viewmodel + mockdata).
- Build the update exit on existing entry (use viewmodel + mockdata).
[5] Build the form validations
[6] Implement containers (pending on 1,2).
[7] Spike track signature pad
- Implement paging.
- Admin view