Operational sleep shift scheduling tool to provide autonomous customization of a schedule for sleep, exercise, and nutrition in order to manage fatigue.
The backend is a Django project that exposes a REST API.
I recommend using two consoles, with Django in one and Node in the other.
Make sure that Python (with pip) is installed.
Navigate to the backend directory, where manage.py
is located.
$ cd /backend/
Create a virtual environment and enter it.
$ python -m venv '.env'
$ source .env/Scripts/activate # Windows
$ source .env/bin/activate # Linux
Install the requirements to your environment.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Migrate your local database and run the server.
$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py runserver
You can now visit the site at localhost:8000
Make sure that Node (with npm and yarn) is installed.
Navigate to the frontend directory, where package.json
is located.
$ cd /frontend/
Install the requirements to your environment.
$ yarn install
Run the server.
$ yarn dev
You can now visit the site at localhost:3000
This is assuming that the frontend has been set up.
Run the server.
$ yarn nuxt storybook
You can now visit the site at localhost:3003
You should set up a Django superuser account on your local database.
$ python manage.py createsuperuser
Log in to localhost:8000/admin/
to access the Django admin panel.
Navigate to localhost:8000/api/
to interact with the REST API.
Linting is essential for maintaining code quality and preventing merge conflicts.
We use opinionated linters: black
for python, and ESLint
with Prettier
for JavaScript.
They're quite strict, but keep code clean and easy to maintain.
$ black .
$ yarn lint # Check for errors.
$ yarn lint --fix # Fix errors automatically.
Unit testing is integral to making sure that your code works.
This includes making sure that there's no unintended side effects when pushing new code, which would be impossible to detect otherwise.
Django uses unittest
, the Python standard library for testing. Our Node server is set up with Jest
$ python manage.py test
$ yarn test
Any files under components/*.stories.js
will be found by the Storybook.
Creating a stories file is quite simple:
// MyButton.stories.js
export default { title: 'Button' }
export const primaryButton = () => '<MyButton>Primary Button</MyButton>'
There's three fundamental pieces to the architecture:
Django - The backend web server. Provides user authentication and manages the database.
Nuxt (Vue.js) - The frontend web client. Depends on the backend for data and authentication.
REST API - The Application Program Interface. Provides a standard way for the frontend to use HTTP requests to create, read, update and delete data.