This repository contains an implementation of a method for correcting low-coverage distortion in demographic inference. The method is designed to address challenges arising from insufficient data coverage, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of the results. Within this repository, you will find code, data, and results encompassing all simulations and empirical data analyses presented in the manuscript "Population-genetic model inference from low-coverage allele frequency spectra".
Fonseca, E.M., Tran, L., Mendonza, H., Gutenkunst, R.N. Population-genetic model inference from low-coverage allele frequency spectra (coming soon).
directory contains the entire codebase used to implementing the method designed to correct bias arising from low-coverage sequencing. -
directory contains the code for generating and running simulations at various coverage levels. Moreover, it includes the resulting site frequency spectra from these simulations. -
directory contains the code for generating and running demographic inference under various coverage levels.
- Python 3
- dadi (
- numpy
- math
- scipy
- itertools
- warnings
make_low_cov_func(demo_model, data_dict, pop_ids, nseq, nsub, sim_threshold, inbreeding)
- demo_model: specified demographic model in dadi
- data_dict: a data dictionary comprising information extracted from a VCF file
- pop_ids: population names to be analyzed
- nseq: total number of samples for a given population
- nsub: subsampled number of samples for a given population
- sim_threshold: This method switches between analytic and simulation-based methods. Setting this threshold to 0 will always use simulations, while setting it to 1 will always use analytics. Values in between indicate that simulations will be employed for thresholds below that value.
- inbreeding (bool): If True, the model accounts for inbreeding; if False, it does not.
import dadi
from dadi.LowCoverage import LowCoverage
import nlopt
datafile = '/simulations/simulated_datasets/1D_exp_growth_two_epochs_nu1_10_T1_0.1/heterogeneous_coverage/coverage_3/VCF_files_gatk/gatk_Replicate_1_filtered.vcf'
popfile = '/simulations/simulated_datasets/1D_exp_growth_two_epochs_nu1_10_T1_0.1/heterogeneous_coverage/coverage_3/VCF_files_gatk/popfile.txt'
pop_id = 'pop1' # Population name
nseq = 40 # Total number of sequenced chromosomes
nsub = 32 # Number of chromosomes to be subsampled
ss = {pop_id: nsub // 2} # Subsampling dictionary
data_dict = dadi.Misc.make_data_dict_vcf(datafile, popfile, subsample=ss)
for chrom_pos in data_dict:
data_dict[chrom_pos]['outgroup_allele'] = data_dict[chrom_pos]['segregating'][0]
data_dict[chrom_pos]['outgroup_context'] = data_dict[chrom_pos]['segregating'][0]
data_fs = dadi.Spectrum.from_data_dict(data_dict, [pop_id], [nsub])
demo_model_ex = dadi.Numerics.make_extrap_func(dadi.Demographics1D.growth)
demo_model_ex = LowCoverage.make_low_cov_func(demo_model_ex, data_dict, data_fs.pop_ids, [nseq], [nsub], sim_threshold=1e-2, inbreeding=False)
param_names = ['nu1', 'T'] # Growth rate and time since growth started
lower_bounds = [1e-05, 1e-05] # Lower bounds for parameters
upper_bounds = [50, 1] # Upper bounds for parameters
params = [1, 0.05] # Initial parameter values
grids = [50, 60, 70] # Grid points for optimization
p0 = dadi.Misc.perturb_params(params, fold=1, upper_bound=upper_bounds, lower_bound=lower_bounds)
popt, ll_model = dadi.Inference.opt(p0, data_fs, demo_model_ex, grids,
maxeval=1000, verbose=0)
print('True parameters are: nu1 = 10 and T = 0.1')
print(f'The inferred parameters were: nu1 = {popt[0]:.2f} and T = {popt[1]:.2f}')
For any questions, please contact Emanuel M. Fonseca ( or or Ryan Gutenkunst (