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IFTGFTC edited this page Oct 21, 2019 · 1 revision

The following are the basic Critical Tracking Events for Seafood Traceability:

Format for CTEs:

Common Name for Event EPCIS Event Type - ACTION - bizstep - objects

Aquaculture Traceability Events

BOLD Indicates Minimum External CTEs Required by Next Point in Supply Chain

  • Receive Feed ObjectEvent - OBSERVE - receiving - QR URL or GTIN/Lot, GTIN/Serial containers of feed
  • Fertilize Eggs ObjectEvent - ADD - commissioning - QR URL or GTIN/Lot for fish eggs
  • Raise Fish on Fish Farm TransformationEvent - ADD - commissioning - inputs (fish eggs, feed) outputs (mature fish)
  • ID Harvest Container ObjectEvent - ADD - commissioning - QR URL or GRAI for container
  • Harvest Fish into Container AggregationEvent - ADD - packing - container (parent) fish (children)
  • Send Container of Fish to Processor ObjectEvent - OBSERVE - shipping - container - sourceList & destinationList
  • Receive Fish at Processor ObjectEvent - OBSERVE - receiving - container - sourceList & destinationList
  • Unpack Container of Fish at Processor ObjectEvent - DELETE - unpacking - container
  • Process Fish and Label with GS1-128 Barcoded Case Label TransformationEvent - ADD - commissioning - inputs (mature fish) outputs (processed fish GTIN+Lot) - Required KDEs listed under Instance Level Master Data (ILMD)
  • Create Pallet Label with GS1-128 Barcode ObjectEvent - ADD - commissioning - Pallet SSCC
  • Pack and ship cases to Customer AggregationEvent - ADD - shipping - Pallet (parent) Cases (children) - sourceList & destinationList

Wild Caught Traceability Events

BOLD Indicates Minimum External CTEs Required by Next Point in Supply Chain

  • ID Harvest Container ObjectEvent - ADD - commissioning - QR URL or GRAI for container
  • Catch Fish ObjectEvent - ADD - commissioning - QR URL, GTIN/Lot or GTIN/Serial for catch event, Required KDEs listed under Instance Level Master Data (ILMD)
  • Harvest Fish into Container AggregationEvent - ADD - packing - container (parent) fish (children)
  • Landing at Dock - unload fish from container ObjectEvent - DELETE - unpack - container where the readPoint is the dock geo location and bizLocation is the globally unique dock identity
    • alternatively, container may be shipped to next buyer as is, then unloaded by buyer
  • Send Fish to Processor ObjectEvent - OBSERVE - shipping - catch ID - sourceList & destinationList
  • Receive Fish at Processor ObjectEvent - OBSERVE - receiving - catch ID - sourceList & destinationList
  • Process Fish and Label with GS1-128 Barcoded Case Label TransformationEvent - ADD - commissioning - inputs (mature fish) outputs (processed fish GTIN+Lot) - Required KDEs listed under Instance Level Master Data (ILMD)
  • Create Pallet Label with GS1-128 Barcode ObjectEvent - ADD - commissioning - Pallet SSCC
  • Pack and Ship Cases to Customer AggregationEvent - ADD - shipping - Pallet (parent) Cases (children) - sourceList & destinationList

Wild Caught Traceability Events - Transshipment

  • Treat the transship as the dock and processor.
  • Capture the unload point from GPS (where in the ocean) and store it in readPoint ObjectEvent - DELETE - unpacking - container.
  • Then use ObjectEvent - OBSERVE - shipping - sourceList & destinationList to capture the original and new vessel information.

  1. CTEs and KDEs

  2. Challenges

    1. Catch Area Tokenization
    2. Farmed Seafood Nemo
    3. Product Passport
    4. Fisheries App Support
    5. Integration Sea to Land
    6. Accessible Farmed Seafood Identifiers
    7. Extra Harvest Marketplace
    8. Highlighting Mangrove Converted Farms
  3. Global Food Traceability Center Resources

  4. Help Videos

  5. Sample Files (PW Required)

  6. Additional Data Resources

  7. Tools

  8. Documentation for Commercial Systems that Use EPCIS

  9. Regs, Standards, Guidance

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