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High value Seafood Passport Token

IFTGFTC edited this page Oct 20, 2019 · 7 revisions

Organization: Vechain / DNV-GL

Challenge Owner Name: Arnaud Bauer

Challenge Statement:

Seafood traceability can be challenging due to the diverse geographies, species and means of production. High-value seafood further complicates this situation because there is an even greater incentive for fraud. High-value seafood items need a digital passport which can provide transparent proof of their movement through the supply without exposing commercially sensitive information.


In the last decade, a wide range of drivers within the seafood sector have encouraged greater adoption of traceability beyond the primary uses cases of food safety and inventory management. One of those drivers has been a need to reliably proving the chain of ownership of a product over its lifecycle. This challenge calls for a solution which can communicate chain of ownership in an inherently trustworthy manner.

At each step in the seafood supply chain, ownership data elements need to be captured, timestamped and written in a such that it can be shared to other stakeholders.

Find below the critical components regarding the ownership transfer: Transfer Methods:

  • Initial owner: A
  • New owner: B

Types of Transfer

  • Type 1
    • Directly transfer. Transaction on blockchain.
    • E.g., A transfer a product’s ownership to B’s address.
  • Type 2
    • A approve 3Party to transfer. 3party transferFrom A to B.
    • E,g., A approve 3party who can transfer its products’ ownership to B. 3party then transferFrom A to B
  • Type 3
    • B applyFor A’s Product’s ID. A transfer to B’s address.
    • E.g., B apply for A’s Product’s ID. A transfer to B’s address.


While many seafood products can undergo lengthy supply chains, multiple transformations and a series of ownership changes, it’s generally recognized that high-value seafood supply chains can be much simpler. This challenge chooses to focus on the high-value seafood because the greater incentive for fraud justifies an added layer security.

Possible Solution:

A successful solution will resemble a conceptual or actual technological Decentralized App or Wallet that enables parties to transfer the product ownership as a transparent digital asset

Additionally, customer entities that purchase seafood products need access to a high-level output of ownership transfer and immutable timestamp when the action was performed (example: using a QR-Code and a product landing page). Suggested Elements to include:

  • High-level output of catch location could be FAO Major Fishing Areas, the cumulative list of Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs), or US Seafood Import Monitoring Program (SIMP) Ocean Geographic Codes
  • Each identity information “Company passport” linked to the ownership history need to be shown on the portal;
  • Possibilities to Build additional smart contracts for additional non-fungible token use cases;


Tech Support:

  1. CTEs and KDEs

  2. Challenges

    1. Catch Area Tokenization
    2. Farmed Seafood Nemo
    3. Product Passport
    4. Fisheries App Support
    5. Integration Sea to Land
    6. Accessible Farmed Seafood Identifiers
    7. Extra Harvest Marketplace
    8. Highlighting Mangrove Converted Farms
  3. Global Food Traceability Center Resources

  4. Help Videos

  5. Sample Files (PW Required)

  6. Additional Data Resources

  7. Tools

  8. Documentation for Commercial Systems that Use EPCIS

  9. Regs, Standards, Guidance

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