(see also https://github.com/locked-fg/signalcoverage-server & https://github.com/locked-fg/signalcoverage-share)
Android app to record signal data with GPS coordinates. You can export your data to CSV and KML or upload to a server.
Currently the only server side application is hosted at signalcoverage-locked.rhcloud.com and is in an early beta phase.
In order to upload your data to a server, a very simple protocol is used. In order to avoid some hazzle about details, the signalcoverage-share library covers some implementations.
The conversion from/to JSON is currently done via GSON.
Url: https://<configurable server url>/<api version>/user/signUp/
Example: https://example.com/1/user/signUp/
The api version defines the SignalShare
protocol used to upload data (not the Android API).
The configurable server url is the Url that can be configured by the user in the app.
In order to get a user:
- simply get the url
- returns:
These are the user credentials used in the upload process. The server side only stores a hashed version of the password. Be aware that obtaining the user credentials will change in the near future Hashing is done by:
- Concatenate the userId and the password
- compute the
hash - BASE64 encode the hash
This hash is further called the secret
Uploading data is done by signed REST PUT requests:
- Url:
https://<configurable server url>/<api version>/data/<userId>/<timestamp>/<signature>/
- The header is set to
Content-Type: application/json
- The data is a JSON array of the recorded data:
... next element ...]```
The signature is used to validate the upload and is computed by
* concatenating ```userId```, ```secret```, ```timestamp``` and the JSON data list
* compute the MD5 hash
* convert the hash into hex format
## Changelog:
* v2.3.3:
* config / api stuff
* v2.3.2:
* keep Phone from going to standby and thus disable GPS
* v2.3.1:
* fixed some preference bugs
* internal refactoring
* v2.3.0:
* explicit passive listener option
* Fixed DB issue
* v2.2.1:
* the what's new dialog shows up always
* v2.2.0:
* add passive provider (including setting)
* improved logging
* request updates on signal change
* minor internal changes
* v2.1.0: save some new values (os, android version, ...), less battery usage, internal changes, better satellite count
* v2.0.5: Fixed possible service when stopping the service
* v2.0.4: Progressbar moved to Notifications (fixed #1)
* v2.0.3: Issue fixed #4 (DB handling)
* v2.0.2: Issue fixed #5 (hopefully), suppressed spell check in several input fields, Issue fixed #6
* v2.0.1: Fixed renamings
* v2.0.0: Lots of rewrites & bug fixes / less permissions required / Server API / Android 4 compatibility
* v1.0.1: Removed non working menu option
* v1: Hello World!
## License
The app is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.