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Promise based functional wrapper for IndexedDB.

Similar to, but different from


Install using npm:

npm install ""


The API is designed to be used either server-side or from within a browser, and needs to be instantiated with a global object providing indexedDB and IDBKeyRange properties. The window object can be used for this within the browser:

    import idb from '';

    const {
    } = idb( window );

Alternatively, the global object within a service worker context can be used.

On the server side, something like can be used to provide the necessary environment.


This library has two primary motivations:

  1. To provide a functional, promise-based wrapper around IndexedDB's rather idiosyncratic IDBRequest based API;
  2. To provide automatic transaction management across asychronous code boundaries.

Both aspects greatly improve IndexedDB's ease of use, particularly automatic transaction management which is designed to completely avoid TransactionInactiveError: Failed to execute 'get' on 'IDBObjectStore': The transaction is inactive or finished errors, caused by the transaction being automatically closed when it is used across asynchronous code boundaries and all its pending operations are completed.

Basic usage

The library's API first has to be initialized on a global object providing the IndexedDB API (see Setup above). Once the API is initialized, you can then use its idbConnect(...) function to open a connection to a named object store of a particular database instance. The connection is composed of a number of functions for reading and writing to and from the object store (see the Connection API documentation below).

    const { idbConnect } = idb( window );
    const {
    } = await idbConnect( schema, 'fruits' );

When connecting, you need to provide a schema object describing the database schema (see Schema below). The schema includes the name of the required database, and the idbConnect function will connect to the database with that name if any exists, otherwise it will create a new database and populate it with the object stores and indexes described in the schema. (Note also that idbConnect is an asynchronous function, so you must either use the await keyword or chain a promise continuation using .then after the function call).

Once the connection is open, objects can be written directly to the object store:

    await write({ name: 'apple', color: 'green' });

They can be read from the object store using their primary key:

    const orange = await read('orange');

And they can be deleted using the remove() function:

    await remove( orange );

There are also functions for reading multiple objects at once and for opening cursors on object store indexes.

A connection's functions can be used across asynchronous code boundaries without any problems with transactions; behind the scenes, the connection will attempt to reuse any open object store transaction, but detects when a transaction has completed (which happens automatically when it has no pending operations) and will automatically open a new transaction as and when it's needed:

    const pear = await read('pear');
    const grape = await read('grape');
    pear.color = 'yellow';
    grape.color = 'purple';
    await write( grape );
    await write( pear );

Multiple connections

If you need to open connections to multiple object stores then you will probably want to keep the functions attached to their connection object:

    const fruitCx = await idbConnect( schema, 'fruits');
    const foodCx  = await idbConnect( schema, 'foods');
    const pear = await'pear');
    await foodCx.write( pear );


The module uses a standard data format to describe a database's schema as a collection of object stores and associated indexes. The format looks like this:

    "name": <String>,
    "version": <Number>,
    "stores": {
        <object-store-name>: {
            "options": { },
            "indexes": {
                <index-name>: {
                    "keyPath": <String>,
                    "options": { }


  • "name": Is a string providing the IndexedDB instance name;
  • "version": Is a number describing the schema version;
  • "stores": Is an object containing one or more object store definitions;
  • <object-store-name>: Is a valid object store name, mapped to that store's definition;
  • "options": Is an object providing valid object store creation options; see optional parameters described at;
  • "indexes": Is an object providing object store index definitions;
  • <index-name>: Is a valid object store index name;
  • "keyPath": Is the key path the index should use;
  • "options": Are additional index options; see objectParameters at;

A valid schema document looks like this:

    "name": "example",
    "version": 1,
    "stores": {
        "files": {
            "options": {
                "keyPath": "path"
            "indexes": {
                "category": {
                    "keyPath": "category",
                    "options": { "unique": false }
                "status": {
                    "keyPath": "status",
                    "options": { "unique": false }
                "page.collection": {
                    "keyPath": "page.collection",
                    "options": { "unique": false }
                "commit": {
                    "keyPath": "commit",
                    "options": { "unique": false }


idbOpen( schema )

(Asynchronous). Open an IndexedDB instance. Creates a new database if no database with the specified name exists. Upgrades the existing database if the schema versions are different.

  • schema: The database schema.

idbInit( db, schema )

(Asynchronous). Initialize an IndexedDB instance.

  • db: An IndexedDB instance.
  • schema: A database schema.

idbConnect( schema, store )

(Asynchronous). Open a connection to a named object store using the provided database schema.

  • schema: A DB schema.
  • store: The name of the object store to open.

Returns the functions described below in the Connection API section.

Connection API


String property returning the underlying object store's key path.


Array property returning a list of names of the indexes defined on the underlying object store.

read( key )

(Asynchronous). Read an object from an object store.

  • key: An object primary key.

readAll( keys )

(Asynchronous). Read multiple objects from an object store.

  • keys: An array of object primary keys.

write( object )

(Asynchronous). Write an object to an object store.

  • object: The object to write.

remove( key )

(Asynchronous). Remove (delete) an object from an object store.

  • key: The primary key of the object to delete.

openPK( term )

Open a cursor on the object store's primary key index.

openIndex( index, term )

Open a cursor on a named index.

indexCount( index, term )

(Asynchronous). Count the number of items in an index.


Promise based functional wrapper for IndexedDB.








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