My Beast
Neovim version: Requires v0.9.5 or higher
⚠️ Warning: This configuration is for personal use and evolves frequently. It references a lot from LazyVim, which is a better option for those starting out. Proceed with caution if you're looking for a more stable setup.
Running the following script if you want to install Neovim at a specific version:
Before setting up this Neovim configuration, ensure that the following dependencies are installed on your system:
- ripgrep
- xclip
- unzip (Required for installing language packs)
- npm (node)
- pass
You can install these dependencies on Arch Linux using the following command:
sudo pacman -S ripgrep xclip unzip npm pass
This Neovim configuration is designed to work seamlessly with the Kitty terminal emulator. For optimal visual results, it is recommended to use the Nerd Font with fixed underline. Add the following configuration to your Kitty terminal settings:
modify_font strikethrough_position 130%
modify_font strikethrough_thickness 0.1px
modify_font underline_position 150%
modify_font underline_thickness 0.1px
modify_font cell_height 305%