This is a hook for any database/sql driver.
DBhook allows to log requests, measure their duration, control the behavior of requests without changing the code base.
This is the middelware for your database.
go get
package main
import (
sqlite ""
const durationName = "duration"
type Hook struct {
log *log.Logger
func (h *Hook) Before(ctx context.Context, input *dbhook.HookInput) (context.Context, error) {
h.log.Printf("before %s: %s", input.Caller, input.Query)
return context.WithValue(ctx, durationName, time.Now()), nil
func (h *Hook) After(ctx context.Context, input *dbhook.HookInput) (context.Context, error) {
h.log.Printf("after %s: %s. duration: %v", input.Caller, input.Query, time.Since(ctx.Value(durationName).(time.Time)))
return ctx, nil
func (h *Hook) Error(ctx context.Context, input *dbhook.HookInput) (context.Context, error) {
h.log.Printf("error %s: %v. duration: %v", input.Caller, input.Error, time.Since(ctx.Value(durationName).(time.Time)))
return ctx, input.Error // if return nil, then the query will not return an error
func main() {
// Init hooks
hooks := dbhook.NewHooks(dbhook.WithHook(&Hook{log: log.Default()}))
// Register the wrapper
sql.Register("sqlite_with_hook", dbhook.Wrap(&sqlite.SQLiteDriver{}, hooks))
// Connect to the registered wrapped driver
db, _ := sql.Open("sqlite_with_hook", ":memory:")
ctx := context.Background()
// Queries
db.ExecContext(ctx, "CREATE TABLE t (id INTEGER, text VARCHAR(3))")
tx, _ := db.BeginTx(context.Background(), nil)
tx.ExecContext(ctx, "INSERT into t (text) VALUES(?), (?)", "foo", "bar")
tx.QueryContext(ctx, "SELECT id, text FROM t")
db.QueryContext(ctx, "SELEC id, text FROM t")
before exec: CREATE TABLE t (id INTEGER, text VARCHAR(3))
after exec: CREATE TABLE t (id INTEGER, text VARCHAR(3)). duration: 66.915µs
before begin:
after begin: . duration: 3.456µs
before exec: INSERT into t (text) VALUES(?), (?)
after exec: INSERT into t (text) VALUES(?), (?). duration: 13.756µs
before query: SELECT id, text FROM t
after query: SELECT id, text FROM t. duration: 6.382µs
before commit:
after commit: . duration: 24.786µs
before query: SELEC id, text FROM t
error query: near "SELEC": syntax error. duration: 10.57µs