#Recommender Engine Flow
// val ratings = addRandomLongColumnFn(ratingsFn)
// val model = train(trainingFilterFn(ratings), validationFilterFn(ratings))
// val testRmse = computeRmse(model, testingFilterFn(ratings))
val graph = DAG("recommender",
List("ratings", "data"),
List("training", "ratings"),
List("validation", "ratings"),
List("testing", "ratings"),
List("model", "training", "validation"),
List("rmse", "model", "testing"))
val ops = OperationBuilder(graph,
Map("data" -> ratingsFn),
"ratings" -> addRandomLongColumnFn _,
"training" -> trainingFilterFn _,
"validation" -> validationFilterFn _,
"testing" -> testingFilterFn _,
"model" -> (train _).tupled,
"rmse" -> (computeRmse _).tupled
#Implicits (functions as operations)
val f_str = { i: Int => i.toString }
val f_bang = { s: String => s + "!" }
val f_hash = { s: String => s + "#" }
val f_concat = { s: (String, String) => s._1 + s._2 }
"function examples" should {
val logic: String = {
val i = 7
val s = f_str(i)
val b = f_bang(s)
val h = f_hash(s)
f_concat(b, h)
"composition" in {
logic shouldBe "7!7#"
"diamond" in {
def flow(start: Int) = {
for {
startOp <- Root[Int](start)
s1 <- transformerIntToString(startOp)
s2 <- transformerAppendBang(s1)
s3 <- transformerAppendHash(s1)
s4 <- transformerConcatenate(s2, s3)
} yield s4
flow(7)() shouldBe "7!7#"
#Spark examples
"Spark examples" should {
val scStart: Operation[SparkContext] = SparkProvider("test")(LOCAL)
val scStop = Transformer[SparkContext, Unit] { _.stop() }
val wordsRDD: SparkOperation[RDD[String]] = SparkOperation[RDD[String]] { sc =>
sc.makeRDD("There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so".split(' '))
val aWords = RDDTransformer[String, String] { rdd => rdd.filter(_.contains("a")) }
val bWords = RDDTransformer[String, String] { rdd => rdd.filter(_.contains("b")) }
val countOperation = Transformer[RDD[String], Long] { _.count }
"words" in new TryExecutor {
val operation = scStart --> wordsRDD // same as wordsRDD(sc)
val result: Try[RDD[String]] = execute(operation)
result.get.count() shouldBe 12
"letter count" in new FutureExecutor {
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
val flow = for {
sc <- scStart
words <- wordsRDD(sc)
aWords <- aWords(words)
countA <- countOperation(aWords)
bWords <- bWords(words)
countB <- countOperation(bWords)
//_ <- scStop(sc)
yield (countA, countB)
val futureResult = execute(flow)
whenReady(futureResult) { result =>
result shouldBe (2, 2)
#Free Monads
class OpSuite extends WordSpec with ShouldMatchers with Logging with ScalaFutures {
val f_str = { i: Int => i.toString }
val f_bang = { s: String => s + "!" }
val f_hash = { s: String => s + "#" }
val f_concat = { s: (String, String) => s._1 + s._2 }
"function examples" should {
val logic: String = {
val i = 5
val s = f_str(i)
val b = f_bang(s)
val h = f_hash(s)
f_concat(b, h)
"composition" in {
logic shouldBe "5!5#"
"op examples" should {
val op = Op(5)
val str: Tr[Int, String] = f_str
val bang: Tr[String, String] = f_bang
val hash: Tr[String, String] = f_hash
val concat: Tr[(String, String), String] = f_concat
val logic: Free[External, String] = for {
i <- op
s <- str(i)
b <- bang(s)
h <- hash(s)
c <- concat(b, h)
} yield c
"id" in {
val result = logic.foldMap(idInterpreter)
result shouldBe "5!5#"
"future" in {
val futureResult = logic.foldMap(futureInterpreter)
whenReady(futureResult) { result =>
result shouldBe "5!5#"
"log" in {
#Interesting projects