The app fetches comics from the Marvel api and shows them in the list. The list represents each comic by displaying its title and image. You can see further details of a comic once you click on it. Moreover, you can filter out the comic list by input your buying budget, the app will then show the list of comics within your budget range. You can also see the sum of pages of the comics in your list.
Architecturely, the app implements MVVM pattern to bind its UI to other components. It makes use of RxJava along with AndroidViewModel to implement MVVM - the ViewModel support library was announced as part of the architecture components at Google IO 2017. The network interface uses Retrofit2 and RxJava.
Note that in order to use the archiecture components sdk, you should use Android Studio 3.0.
Glide - Used to load images to the view as the user scrolls through.
Retrolambda - Used for writing Java8 lambda expressions.
- The app is tested by setting screen orientation to prortrait mode. Its pending test to work on landscape mode.
- It doesn't cater for tablet (large) screen sizes.
- Lack unit (instrumentation) tests for its ViewModel and network classes.
Make sure you have 3.0 version of Anroid Studio in order to build and run this project. Once the project sets up in Android Studio, you can launch a simulator via AVD wizard or directly run it on the device connected to your computer. To build the project from command line run the following command inside your project root
Once it finishes, get the builds from /app/build/generated/
You can run the unit test via Android Studio or via running the following command inside your project root
./gradlew test
Once it finishes, see the test results at /app/build/test-results