Udacity Javascript Game Development
Welcome to this Memory Game, my 1st ever JavaScript project!
There are two options to get started!
1. Open the file index.html at your Browser.
2. Play online, clicking at this link.
The game randomly shuffles the cards. A user wins once all cards have successfully been matched.
To start the game, all you need to do is to click on a random card. Be aware that the clock starts running instantly!
You can open two cards at a time, trying to match them with the same figure.
Make sure you memorize the icons the best you can! So you get to know where they are!
You can take as long as you want to complete the game, but there are ways to measure your performance!
Stars rating The stars rating are based on the number of moves you make while attempting to match all the cards.
Time counter The time counter is another way to see how fast you can go.
Number of moves Try to nail it as quick as possible!
You can restart the game at anytime, clicking at the restart icon, located at the top-right hand!
Hope you have a great time exercising your brain!!
This game was developed entirely with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Felipe Fragoso - 09 april 2019