You can get in tocuh with me using:
Bugtracker - first and last so far "serious" web project. Uses python library called Flask as backend framework. SQLite is used for user accounts and projects. Instead of pure SQLite, I used sqlalchemy wrapper to achieve more convinient way of data reading/writing processes.
AWRPC - program that implements Discord Rich precense functionality for Armored Warfare PC game. I am not maintaining it anymore, because of obvious lack of popularity, but it's very easy to get it working after game updates. You just need to change one memory offset and rebuild the solution
Armored Warfare API - another project related to Armored Warfare. This time project itself is some kind of unofficial player statistics API implementation. I found a very "hacky" way to access player statistics: just parse page from web-site, but in order to get access to player statistics page you need to be authenticated, so you won't be able to access player statistics without cookies from But at least it works. And again, due lack of game popularity, nobody really uses it.
And the last, but not the least - my AW game statistics analysis (ye, I am really addicted to this game). But do not take this research as something serious, it some kind of my "Hello world" project in world of data science.
There are some other repos with projects, but it's not really cool ones. I wrote it then I was just learning, and it was wrote in the bad way