Swint - Integrated web server/client framework
$ npm install --save swint
- swint-helper: Helper functions and classes for Swint
- swint-task: Batch task manager for Swint. Proceeds the tasks one-by-one, respectively.
- swint-configure: The Swint-style helper for configuring the environment for applications
- swint-secret: Secret string manager for Swint
- swint-pipe: Pipeline logic flow for Swint
- swint-builder-js: JavaScript builder for Swint
- swint-builder-css: CSS builder for Swint
- swint-builder-html: HTML builder for Swint
- swint-builder-png: PNG sprite builder for Swint
- swint-builder-svg: SVG sprite builder for Swint
- swint-builder-polymer: Polymer web component builder for Swint
- swint-copy-dir: The directory copying function wrapped for swint-task
- swint-s3upload: AWS S3 uploader for Swint batch task manager(swint-task)
- swint-akamai-purge: Sending purge request on akamai for Swint batch task manager(swint-task)
- swint-cloudfront-purge: Sending purge request on cloudfront for Swint batch task manager(swint-task)
- swint-yuidoc: YUIDoc builder for Swint
- swint-fork: Process behaviour(fork, common/separate execution of code chunk, etc.) manager for Swint
- swint-proc-ops: Process operator for Swint
- swint-server: Swint web server based on expressJS
- swint-router: Routing manager for Swint web server
- swint-middleware: Essential expressJS middlewares and general middleware loader for Swint
- swint-query: SQL query generator for Swint
- swint-redis-cache: Redis cache for Swint