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Webscraping and data analysis of DNA with pandas and Selenium

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Know Thyself: Using Data Science to Explore Your Own Genome

DNA analysis with pandas and Selenium

Geminus’s flaps,

"Nosce te ipsum" ("know thyself"), an ancient maxim frequently associated with gory anatomical pop-up books of yore.

Image from the University of Cambridge

23andme once offered me a free DNA and ancestry test kit if I participated in one of their clinical studies. In exchange for a cheek swab and baring my guts and soul in a score of questionnaires, I got my genome sequenced and gained access to myriad reports on where my ancestors were likely from, whom else on the site I might be related to, and what health conditions and traits I probably have inherited.

Bunion and Flat Feet Report, 23andme


23andme already provides an overwhelming amount of consumer-ready infographics and tools, but I knew I could do more with the data. The intrepid may download their raw genetic data if they dare, so of course I poured it into pandas to see what I could make of it.

%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import requests
import pandas as pd

import re
from selenium import webdriver
from import WebDriverWait

Importing my DNA into pandas and exploring the genome

Looking at the .txt file, I could see that I was missing some genotype values, denoted with '--'.

Most of the chromosomes are ints, but three are X, Y, and MT (for 'mitochondrial'). I needed to specify the data type properly so that pandas wouldn't throw an error when it found mixed data in the input.

The other columns were fairly straightforward. I also wanted pandas to ignore the prefatory comments at the beginning of the file that consisted of lines beginning with an octothorpe.

The arguments I needed to pass, therefore, were:

  • separator (tab-delimited)
  • dtype (as a dict)
  • na_values ('--') (n.b.: I decided against this in the end to avoid dealing with more NaNs)
  • comment ('#')


data = pd.read_csv('genome.txt', sep='\t', dtype={'rsid':'str', 'chromosome':'object', 'position':'int', 'genotype':'str'}, comment='#')
               rsid chromosome  position genotype
0       rs548049170          1     69869       TT
1        rs13328684          1     74792       --
2         rs9283150          1    565508       AA
3           i713426          1    726912       --
4       rs116587930          1    727841       GG
5         rs3131972          1    752721       AG
6        rs12184325          1    754105       CC

...             ...        ...       ...      ...

[638531 rows x 4 columns]

A quick note on the column names:

  • rsid stands for Reference SNP cluster ID. It identifies unique SNPs.

  • SNPs are Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms ('snips'), locations in the genome that vary between individuals. They can influence disease risk and drug effects, tell you about your ancestry, and predict aspects of how you look and act.

  • All humans have almost the same sequence of 3 billion DNA bases (A,C,G, or T) distributed between their 23 pairs of chromosomes. But at certain locations, some differences exist that researchers have declared meaningful, for medical or other reasons (like genealogy).

I started to navigate my new DataFrame with basic exploratory data analysis and data cleaning.

# Read the data into a pandas DataFrame and do some EDA
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
rsid chromosome position genotype
0 rs548049170 1 69869 TT
1 rs13328684 1 74792 --
2 rs9283150 1 565508 AA
3 i713426 1 726912 --
4 rs116587930 1 727841 GG
5 rs3131972 1 752721 AG
6 rs12184325 1 754105 CC
7 rs12567639 1 756268 AA
8 rs114525117 1 759036 GG
9 rs12124819 1 776546 AA
10 rs12127425 1 794332 GG
11 rs79373928 1 801536 TT
12 rs72888853 1 815421 --
13 rs7538305 1 824398 AA
14 rs28444699 1 830181 AA
15 i713449 1 830731 --
16 rs116452738 1 834830 GG
17 rs72631887 1 835092 TT
18 rs28678693 1 838665 TT
19 rs4970382 1 840753 CT
20 rs4475691 1 846808 CC
21 rs72631889 1 851390 GG
22 rs7537756 1 854250 AA
23 rs13302982 1 861808 GG
24 rs376747791 1 863130 AA
 rsid         False
chromosome    False
position      False
genotype      False
dtype: bool
 rsid         638531
chromosome        25
position      634934
genotype          20
dtype: int64
# How many chromosomes am I missing by not 
# having a Y chromosome?
Y_chromosome = df[df.chromosome == 'Y']

I converted the letter chromosomes to numbers, cast them to ints, and created a dictionary to translate them back later so that I could better manipulate the data.

array(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', 
      '9', '10', '11', '12','13', '14', '15', 
      '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22',
      'X','MT'], dtype=object)
df['chromosome'] = df['chromosome'].apply(lambda x: 
  re.sub(r'X', r'23', x))
df['chromosome'] = df['chromosome'].apply(lambda x: 
  re.sub(r'MT', r'24', x))
df['chromosome'] = df['chromosome'].apply(lambda x: 
chromosome_dict = {1:'1', 2:'2', 3:'3', 4:'4', 5:'5', 
           6:'6', 7:'7', 8:'8', 9:'9', 10:'10', 
           11:'11', 12:'12', 13:'13', 14:'14', 
           15:'15', 16:'16', 17:'17', 18:'18', 
           19:'19', 20:'20', 21:'21', 22:'22', 
           23:'X', 24:'MT'}
{1: '1', 2: '2', 3: '3', 4: '4', 5: '5', 6: '6', 7: '7', 
 8: '8', 9: '9', 10: '10', 11: '11', 12: '12', 13: '13', 
 14: '14', 15: '15', 16: '16', 17: '17', 18: '18', 
 19: '19', 20: '20', 21: '21', 22: '22', 23: 'X', 
 24: 'MT'}

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 634798 entries, 0 to 638530

Data columns (total 4 columns):

 rsid         634798 non-null object
chromosome    634798 non-null int64
position      634798 non-null int64
genotype      634798 non-null object

dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 24.2+ MB


There were 16,005 genotypes that I simply lacked:

genotype_na = df[df.genotype == '--']

Some visualizations

df[df.chromosome == 1].info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 49514 entries, 0 to 49513
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 rsid         49514 non-null object
chromosome    49514 non-null int64
position      49514 non-null int64
genotype      49514 non-null object
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 1.9+ MB
# Remove that pesky whitespace from the column name
df.rename({' rsid': 'rsid'}, axis='columns', inplace=True)

How many SNPs are there per chromosome?

# We can do this manually with a for loop . . .
x = []
y = []
for k in chromosome_dict:
    y.append(len(df[df.chromosome == k]))
rsid_per_chromosome = dict(zip(x,y)) 
{1: 49514,
 2: 51775,
 3: 43024,
 4: 39474,
 5: 37032,
 6: 44023,
 7: 34357,
 8: 31683,
 9: 26446,
 10: 30525,
 11: 30942,
 12: 29432,
 13: 22080,
 14: 19961,
 15: 19006,
 16: 20397,
 17: 19401,
 18: 17675,
 19: 14917,
 20: 14781,
 21: 8607,
 22: 8915,
 23: 16530,
 24: 4301}
# . . . but pandas makes it a lot easier!
rsid_per_chromosome_series = df.groupby('chromosome')['rsid'].count()
rsid_per_chromosome_series.columns = ['chromosome', 'count']
rsid_per_chromosome_series.plot.barh(figsize=(16,9), fontsize=15)

Graph of rsid per chromosome

rsid per chromosome

Getting data on SNPs from SNPedia

To acquire more information about my DNA, I pulled files from SNPedia, a wiki investigating human genetics that gathers extensive data and cites to peer-reviewed scientific publications. SNPedia catalogues common, reproducible SNPs (or ones found in meta-analyses or studies of at least 500 patients), or those with other historic or medical significance.

The columns are:

  • Unnamed: 0 (actually the SNP name)
  • Magnitude (a subjective measure of interest)
  • Repute (a subjective measure of whether the genotype is "good" or "bad" to have based on research, and blank for things like ancestry and eye color)
  • Summary (a narrative description)
snp_df = pd.read_csv('result.csv')
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Unnamed: 0 Magnitude Repute Summary
0 Rs661(A;A) 9.0 Bad early onset Alzheimer's disease
1 Rs6647(T;T) 0.0 Good Normal; two copies of Pi-M1V allele
2 Rs6647(C;C) 0.0 Good Normal; two copies of Pi-M1A allele
3 Rs1303(T;T) 0.0 Good common in clinvar
4 Rs28929471(G;G) 0.0 Good common in complete genomics

Fun with regular expressions

To align with my original DataFrame, I created a genotype column and used regex to separate out the genotype, which was stitched onto the end of the SNP name.

snp_df['genotype'] = snp_df['Unnamed: 0'].apply(lambda x: 
  re.sub(r'.*([AGCT]);([AGCT])\)', r'\1\2', x))
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Unnamed: 0 Magnitude Repute Summary genotype
0 Rs661(A;A) 9.0 Bad early onset Alzheimer's disease AA
1 Rs6647(T;T) 0.0 Good Normal; two copies of Pi-M1V allele TT
2 Rs6647(C;C) 0.0 Good Normal; two copies of Pi-M1A allele CC
3 Rs1303(T;T) 0.0 Good common in clinvar TT
4 Rs28929471(G;G) 0.0 Good common in complete genomics GG

For consistency's sake, I renamed the columns to match my original DataFrame and made sure the rsids were all lower-case.

new_cols = ['rsid', 'magnitude', 'repute', 
'summary', 'genotype']
snp_df.columns = new_cols

I used regex to clean up the rsid a little more, too (because I will take any excuse to use more regex).

snp_df['rsid'] = snp_df['rsid'].map(lambda x : x.lower())
snp_df['rsid'] = snp_df['rsid'].map(lambda x : 
  r'\1', x))
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
rsid magnitude repute summary genotype
0 rs661 9.0 Bad early onset Alzheimer's disease AA
1 rs6647 0.0 Good Normal; two copies of Pi-M1V allele TT
2 rs6647 0.0 Good Normal; two copies of Pi-M1A allele CC
3 rs1303 0.0 Good common in clinvar TT
4 rs28929471 0.0 Good common in complete genomics GG
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 100 entries, 0 to 99
Data columns (total 5 columns):
rsid         100 non-null object
magnitude    100 non-null float64
repute       91 non-null object
summary      96 non-null object
genotype     100 non-null object
dtypes: float64(1), object(4)
memory usage: 4.0+ KB

I overwrote the null reputes and summaries.

null_repute = snp_df[snp_df['repute'].isnull()]
null_summaries = snp_df[snp_df['summary'].isnull()]
null_repute_and_summaries = pd.concat([null_repute,null_summaries]).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
rsid magnitude repute summary genotype
0 rs28931569 4.0 NaN high risk of emphysema CC
1 rs28929473 0.0 NaN NaN TT
2 rs28931572 0.0 NaN NaN AA
3 rs1801252 3.0 NaN NaN GG
4 rs8192466 4.0 NaN uncertain TT
5 rs4986852 2.0 NaN predisposition to breast cancer? AA
6 rs1800709 2.0 NaN predisposition to breast cancer? TT
7 rs28931592 0.0 NaN NaN TT
8 rs4986893 2.1 NaN poor metabolizer of several commonly prescribe... AA
snp_df['repute'].fillna(value='Neutral', inplace=True)
snp_df['summary'].fillna(value='None', inplace=True)
# No no NaNette
rsid         False
magnitude    False
repute       False
summary      False
genotype     False
dtype: bool

Merging my data with SNPedia

Appropriately enough, I did an inner join of the SNPedia DataFrame on my DNA to see what data, if any, it had on my particular genotypes.

new_df = snp_df.merge(df, how='inner', on=['rsid', 'genotype'], suffixes=('_SNPedia', '_myDNA'))
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
rsid magnitude repute summary genotype chromosome position
0 rs1303 0.0 Good common in clinvar TT 14 94844843
1 rs17580 2.5 Bad a slightly reduced functionality form of Alpha... TT 14 94847262
2 rs28931580 0.0 Good common in clinvar AA 12 50344783
3 rs1042714 0.0 Good normal CC 5 148206473
4 rs1800888 0.0 Good normal CC 5 148206885
5 rs2303790 0.0 Good common in clinvar AA 16 57017292
6 rs5882 2.0 Bad Faster aging. Increased risk for Dementia. Les... AA 16 57016092
7 rs2230199 2.0 Bad 2.5x+ risk of ARMD GG 19 6718387
8 rs28931608 0.0 Good common in clinvar GG 7 75614497
9 rs4986893 0.0 Good normal GG 10 96540410
10 rs28399504 0.0 Good normal AA 10 96522463
11 rs2234922 0.0 Good common in clinvar AA 1 226026406
12 rs28931614 0.0 Good common in clinvar GG 4 1806119
13 rs28933068 0.0 Good common in clinvar CC 4 1807371

What's hiding in there?

# Create a DataFrame for some subsets of genes
good_genes = new_df[new_df.repute == 'Good']
bad_genes = new_df[new_df.repute == 'Bad']
interesting_genes = new_df[new_df.magnitude > 4] # 4 is the threshold for "worth your time" given by SNPedia

I have plenty of "good" genotypes, but none with a nonzero magnitude.

<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
rsid magnitude repute summary genotype chromosome position
0 rs1303 0.0 Good common in clinvar TT 14 94844843
2 rs28931580 0.0 Good common in clinvar AA 12 50344783
3 rs1042714 0.0 Good normal CC 5 148206473
4 rs1800888 0.0 Good normal CC 5 148206885
5 rs2303790 0.0 Good common in clinvar AA 16 57017292
8 rs28931608 0.0 Good common in clinvar GG 7 75614497
9 rs4986893 0.0 Good normal GG 10 96540410
10 rs28399504 0.0 Good normal AA 10 96522463
11 rs2234922 0.0 Good common in clinvar AA 1 226026406
12 rs28931614 0.0 Good common in clinvar GG 4 1806119
13 rs28933068 0.0 Good common in clinvar CC 4 1807371

I have three "bad" genotypes with a nonzero magnitude.

<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
rsid magnitude repute summary genotype chromosome position
1 rs17580 2.5 Bad a slightly reduced functionality form of Alpha... TT 14 94847262
6 rs5882 2.0 Bad Faster aging. Increased risk for Dementia. Les... AA 16 57016092
7 rs2230199 2.0 Bad 2.5x+ risk of ARMD GG 19 6718387

Sadly, I had no "interesting" genotypes above the threshold of 4, although hearteningly I did possess some slightly interesting bad ones.

Scrape relevant articles with Selenium

I decided I might like to read up on my bad genetics, so I used Selenium to scrape the abstracts of some scientific papers from PubMed.

# Get the base URL from SNPedia
base_url = ''
# Create URLs for each gene that I want to study
gene_urls = [base_url + rsid for rsid in bad_genes['rsid']]
# Initialize Selenium
browser = webdriver.Chrome()
import time
# Write a function to visit the SNPedia URLs, click through to PubMed, 
# and retrieve the info on the articles for each gene

def scrape_abstracts(urls):
    rsid_list = []
    all_article_title = []
    all_article_citation = []
    all_article_authors = []
    all_article_abstract = []
    all_article_links = []

    for url in urls:
        link_urls = []
        browser.get(url) #load url
        rsid = browser.find_element_by_css_selector('.firstHeading').text
        links_elements = browser.find_elements_by_partial_link_text('PMID')
        # get the URLs to the PubMed pages
      for link in links_elements:
      # follow each link element to PubMed
      for element in link_urls:
          article_title = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='cit']/../h1").text
          article_citation = browser.find_element_by_class_name('cit').text
          article_authors = browser.find_element_by_class_name('auths').text
          article_abstract = browser.find_element_by_class_name('abstr').text

  # store the information
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df['rsid'] = rsid_list
    df['article_title'] = all_article_title
    df['article_citation'] = all_article_citation
    df['article_authors'] = all_article_authors
    df['article_abstract'] = all_article_abstract
    df['link'] = all_article_links
    df = df.drop_duplicates()
    df.index = range(len(df.index))
    return df
abstracts_df = scrape_abstracts(gene_urls)

For later hypochondriacal perusal, I exported my findings, complete with abstracts and hyperlinks, to a CSV file using the pandas DataFrame.to_csv method.

# DataFrame to CSV
export_csv = abstracts_df.to_csv(r'/Users/lorajohns/Documents/Python/DNA/DNA_articles.csv')

Reading up on the medical literature

Formatted DNA_articles.csv in Numbers

DNA_articles.csv in Numbers

Now I have a handy CSV file, nicely formatted, with citations to scientific articles analyzing and describing my probably un-problematic, but probationally proditory genotypes. Python provides prodigious tools to engage in literal introspection that the sawbones of old could never have imagined.


Webscraping and data analysis of DNA with pandas and Selenium






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