Hey there! Welcome to my profile 👋🏻
class Lord_Friky:
name = "Daniel Hernández Muñoz"
age = 21
occupation = "Student"
preferred_langs = ["Python", "C++"]
hobbies = ["Console Hacking", "Traveling", "Basketball"]
- 🇲🇽 Mexican
- 💬 Bilingual (english, spanish)
- 🤓 CS student @ UdeG CUCEI 🦁
- 💻 Founder of Club de Programación CUCEI
- 🐛 Aiming to become a security researcher
- 🎈 Interested in competitive programming
- 📝 Ex-News writer of PlayStationHaX
- 🦑 Splatoon fan
- 📖 Currently reading Competitive Programmer's Handbook by Antti Laaksonen
- AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (ID: wasr5-Fa4F) by Microsoft
- Robótica Aplicada Nivel Avanzado (applied robotics) by ARACT UNAM
- web-cfw-loader: A payload launcher made in javascript for the Nintendo Switch (thanks AtlasNX!).
- grupos_icom: A website I made to make it easier for my classmates to find the whatsapp groups of their classes.
- san_valentin: An Arduino project involving a series of leds arranged in the shape of a heart being animated while Careless Whisper plays on a buzzer.
- servidor-minecraft@Programacion-CUCEI: Minecraft server implemented in Azure.
- dsi.cfw.guide: Old spanish translation.
- mira-project: Script fixes.
- OpenOrbis-PS4-Toolchain: macOS support.