Lokalise is a service that helps you translated your application strings and keep a track of how those translations change. The idea of this plugin is that you can upload the translation strings to this services, then after translating them, download the translations and put them in the right directories for each locale.
First add the plugin to composer
composer require lorenzo/lokalise
Then activate the plugin
bin/cake plugin load Lokalise
Finally add your project id and lokalise API token to app.php
// config/app.php
'Lokalise' => [
'project' => 'your project id',
'api_token' => 'the api token as provided by lokalise'
You first need to run the i18n extract
that is provided by CakePHP. This task will find all call for the
of functions and generate at least one .pot
file in the src/Locale
bin/cake i18n extract
Once this process is done, you can push your translations to lokalise. You need to be explicit about the locales you want to create/update in lokalise:
bin/cake lokalise push --locales en_US,fr_FR,pt_BR
You can now go to your lokalise dashboard and translated all the strings. In order to see the tranlated strings in your applicaiton, you need to download them back:
bin/cake lokalise pull