The game of quarto consist of a board with 16 squares and 16 pieces. Each piece has 4 attributes (height, color, shape, and filling) and each attribute can be either big or small, light or dark , squared or round , full or hollow. The goal is to establish a line of four pieces ith at least one common characteristic (attribute) on the board. Quarto is a turn based. impartial game. The game start with player1 choosing a piece to place on the board, then player2 chooses where to place it and choose an ather piece to be placed on the board. The game continues until one of the players has established a line of four pieces with at least one common attribute.
You can play the game by running the file with the command
python "player1" "player2" "N"
where player1 and player2 are the names of the players you want to play against and N is the number of games that you want to play. If you don't specify a number of games, the game will be played only once. The available players are:
- random : a random player that choose a random piece and a random position on the board
- dumb : a player that choose the first piece that is not already on the board and place it on the first empty square on the board
- human : a player that ask the user to choose a piece and a position on the board
- GA : a player that use a genetic algorithm to choose the best piece and the best position on the board
- RL : a player that use a reinforcement learning algorithm to choose the best piece and the best position on the board
- MixedStrategy : a player that uses minmax and rule based strategies to choose the best piece and the best position on the board
- MixedRL : a player that uses minmax and reinforcement learning strategies to choose the best piece and the best position on the board
- S309413 : my best player
- RuleBased : a player that uses rule based strategies to choose the best piece and the best position on the board
You can create your own player by creating a class that extends the class quarto.Player and implementing the methods choose_piece and place_piece. boylerlate code for player:
class MyPlayer(quarto.Player):
"""My player"""
def __init__(self, quarto: quarto.Quarto) -> None:
def choose_piece(self) -> int:
# choose a piece
return piece
def place_piece(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
# choose a position
return position
The first step that i took to search for a solution was to create a playable version of the player in order to sense the problem and to be able to test possible strategies by playing aganinst the random player already created. The code for this player simply take in input a value from 0 to 15 representing the choosen piece, and 2 values from 0 to 2 representing the row and the column where the piece will be placed.
class HumanPlayer(quarto.Player):
"""Random player"""
def __init__(self, quarto: quarto.Quarto) -> None:
def choose_piece(self) -> int:
status = self.get_game().get_board_status()
used_pieces = {c for x in status for c in x if c > -1}
usable_pieces = [_ for _ in {x for x in range(16)} - used_pieces]
print(f"Choose a piece: {usable_pieces}")
piece = int(input())
while piece not in usable_pieces:
print("Invalid piece")
print(f"Choose a piece in : {usable_pieces}")
return piece
def place_piece(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
status = self.get_game().get_board_status()
possible_moves = [(c, r) for r in range(4) for c in range(4) if status[r][c] == -1]
print(f"Choose a move: {possible_moves}")
move = tuple(map(int, input().split()))
while move not in possible_moves:
print("Invalid move")
print(f"Choose a move in : {possible_moves}")
return move
After playng for some times i started to come up with different options for a strategy.
All of my attempt at creating a wiining player can be found in but now I will try to briefly explain the main idea behind each of them.
This player is really simple but it was really usefull especially in the beggining phases of the progect because it allowed me to have an easbly beatable player to test my strategies againsT, particolarly when i was trying to implement a GA approach.
class DumbPlayer(quarto.Player):
"""Dumb player"""
def __init__(self, quarto: quarto.Quarto) -> None:
def choose_piece(self) -> int:
status = self.get_game().get_board_status()
used_pieces = {c for x in status for c in x if c > -1}
usable_pieces = [_ for _ in {x for x in range(16)} - used_pieces]
return usable_pieces[0]
def place_piece(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
status = self.get_game().get_board_status()
possible_moves = [(c, r) for r in range(4) for c in range(4) if status[r][c] == -1]
return possible_moves[0]
When prompted to choose a piece, the player simply choose the first piece that is not already on the board. When prompted to place a piece, the player simply choose the first empty square on the board.
The first real attempt at finding a winning strategy was to implement a Genetic Algorithm. Since i had great results with the GA implemented for the third Lab, i decided to try to use it to solve this problem. The genome of the individuals consists of 5 values :
genome = {
"alpha": -12.228556866040943,
"beta": 77.44867497850886,
"gamma": 7.190937752438881,
"delta": 10.629790618213386,
"epsilon": 34.46747782969669
This parameters are Then used to decide which piece to choose and where to place it on the board. alpha and beta are used to decide which piece to choose, while gamma, delta and epsilon are used to decide where to place it. To calculate the piece:
def choose_piece(self) -> int:
data = cook_data_pieces(self)
res = (
(a[0], abs(self.genome["alpha"] * a[1] + self.genome["beta"] * b[1]))
for a, b in zip(data["alpha"], data["beta"])
choosen_piece = min(res, key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
return choosen_piece
where data
is a dictionary calculated in the function cook_data_pieces
where each key represents the result of a bitwise operation calculated on the available pieces. For each available piece i remove it from the available piece as if the player decided to choose it, then i calculate the sum of the remaining pieces and the bitwise nand of the remaining pieces. The result of this operation is then used as a key in the dictionary data
. The value associated with each key is a list of tuples where each tuple contains the piece and the result of the operation. The piece is then chosen by taking the piece with the lowest value of the operation:
def cook_data_pieces(state: quarto.Quarto) -> dict:
"""provide usefull data for the genetic algorithm whe need to choose a piece"""
data = {}
status = state.get_game().get_board_status()
used_pieces = {c for x in status for c in x if c > -1}
usable_pieces = {x for x in range(16)} - used_pieces
alpha = list()
beta = list()
if len(usable_pieces) == 1:
# if there is only one piece left, it is the best choice
return {"alpha": [(list(usable_pieces)[0], 1)], "beta": [(list(usable_pieces)[0], 1)]}
for p in usable_pieces:
# remove the selected piece from the usable pieces
# calculate the sum of the remaining pieces
*_, a = accumulate([_ for _ in usable_pieces], operator.add)
# add the selected piece to the used pieces
# calculate the nand of the used pieces
*_, b = accumulate(used_pieces, lambda x, y: ~(x & y))
alpha.append((p, a))
beta.append((p, b))
data["alpha"] = alpha
data["beta"] = beta
return data
To calculate the move:
def place_piece(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
data = cook_data_moves(self, self.get_game().get_selected_piece())
res = (
(g[0], abs(self.genome["gamma"] * g[1] + self.genome["delta"] * h[1] + self.genome["epsilon"] * i[1]))
for g, h, i in zip(data["gamma"], data["delta"], data["epsilon"])
choosen_move = min(res, key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
return choosen_move
In the same way as before data
is a dictionary calculated in the function cook_data_moves
where each key represents the result of a bitwise operation calculated on the available moves on the board. For each available move i remove it from the available moves as if the player decided to place the piece there, then i calculate the sum of the remaining moves, the bitwise and of the remaining moves and the bitwise or of the remaining moves. The result of this operation is then used as a key in the dictionary data
. The value associated with each key is a list of tuples where each tuple contains the move and the result of the operation. The move is then chosen by taking the move with the lowest value of the operation :
def cook_data_moves(state: quarto.Quarto, piece: int) -> dict:
"""provide usefull data for the genetic algorithm whe need to choose a move"""
data = {}
status = state.get_game().get_board_status()
possible_moves = [(c, r) for r in range(4) for c in range(4) if status[r][c] == -1]
gamma = list()
delta = list()
epsilon = list()
if len(possible_moves) == 1:
# if there is only one move left, it is the best choice
return {
"gamma": [(possible_moves[0], 1)],
"delta": [(possible_moves[0], 1)],
"epsilon": [(possible_moves[0], 1)],
for p in possible_moves:
# remove the selected move from the possible moves
# calculate the sum of the remaining moves
# calculate the or of the remaining moves
# calculate the and of the remaining moves
*_, g = accumulate([x[0] for x in possible_moves], operator.add)
*_, d = accumulate([x[1] for x in possible_moves], operator.or_)
*_, e = accumulate([x[0] for x in possible_moves], operator.and_)
gamma.append((p, g))
delta.append((p, d))
epsilon.append((p, e))
data["gamma"] = gamma
data["delta"] = delta
data["epsilon"] = epsilon
return data
In order to evolve and explore different individuals the algorith is based on the following steps:
- Generate a population of
individuals - Evaluate the fitness of each individual
- select with a tournament of size
k = 5
an individual from the population - mutate the individual's genome
- calculate the fitness of the mutated individual
- repeat step 3 to 5 until
individuals are generated - select the best
individuals from the population and the offspring - repeat step 2 to 7 until the maximum number of generations is reached
All the code for the GA can be found in the file but here is a summary of the main functions:
Step 1:
def generate_population(dim: int) -> list:
r = []
for _ in range(dim):
genome = {
"alpha": random.uniform(-10, 10),
"beta": random.uniform(-10, 10),
"gamma": random.uniform(-10, 10),
"delta": random.uniform(-10, 10),
"epsilon": random.uniform(-10, 10),
fit = fitness(genome)
r.append((fit, genome))
return r
the genome is generate based on a random uniform distribution between -10 and 10
Step 2:
def fitness(genome):
game = quarto.Quarto()
agent = GAPlayer(game)
opponent = RandomPlayer(game)
random_eval = evaluate(game, agent, opponent, NUM_MATCHES)
opponent = DumbPlayer(game)
dumb_eval = evaluate(game, agent, opponent, NUM_MATCHES)
opponent = RuleBasedPlayer(game)
rule_eval = evaluate(game, agent, opponent, NUM_MATCHES)
return (rule_eval, random_eval, dumb_eval)
The fitness is calculated by playing NUM_MATCHES
against three different opponents: a random player, a dumb player and a rule based player. The fitness is then calculated as the average of the number of wins against each opponent. The fitness is then a tuple of three values where the first value is the fitness against the rule based player, the second value is the fitness against the random player and the third value is the fitness against the dumb player.
For each evaluation against an opponent half of the games are played as player1 and the other half as player2 in order to avoid bias.
Step 3:
def tournament(population, tournament_size=5):
return max(random.choices(population, k=tournament_size), key=lambda i: i[0])
Step 4 & 5 & 6:
def generate_offspring(population: list, gen: int) -> list:
offspring = list()
for _ in range(OFFSPRING):
p = tournament(population)
p[1]["alpha"] += random.gauss(0, 20 / (gen + 1))
p[1]["beta"] += random.gauss(0, 20 / (gen + 1))
p[1]["gamma"] += random.gauss(0, 20 / (gen + 1))
p[1]["delta"] += random.gauss(0, 20 / (gen + 1))
p[1]["epsilon"] += random.gauss(0, 20 / (gen + 1))
fit = fitness(p[1])
offspring.append((fit, p[1]))
return offspring
The genome is mutated by adding a random value sampled from a gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 20/(gen+1) where gen is the current generation. The mutation is applied to each gene of the genome.
Step 7
def combine(population, offspring):
population += offspring
population = sorted(population, key=lambda i: i[0], reverse=True)[:POPULATION]
return population
Step 8:
def GA():
i = 0
best_sol = None"Starting GA")
with open(POPULATION_FILE, "r") as f:
pop = json.load(f)
population = [(fitness(p["genome"]), p["genome"]) for p in pop.values()]"population imported")
else:"generating population of {POPULATION} individuals")
population = generate_population(POPULATION)"population generated")
for _ in range(NUM_GENERATIONS):"Generation {_}")
offspring = generate_offspring(population, _)
population = combine(population, offspring)
logging.debug(f"best genome: {population[0][1]}")
logging.debug(f"best fitness: {population[0][0]}")
if (_ + 1) % LOG_FREQ == 0:
with open(f"populations/population_GA_v{i}.json", "w") as f:
pop = {f"individual_{i:02}": {"fitness": p[0], "genome": p[1]} for i, p in enumerate(population)}
json.dump(pop, f, indent=4)"saved population")
i += 1
best_sol = population[0][1]
return best_sol
This is the core of the GA. In order to save particularly instresting genome and their fitness the population is saved every LOG_FREQ
generations in a json file.
This attempt unfortunatly was not successful. The best genome found was:
"genome": {
"alpha": -94.03014146974122,
"beta": -107.17350875193313,
"gamma": 152.6577141347451,
"delta": -29.856838596915765,
"epsilon": -12.095960806170313
But It yelded pretty poor results against every player except the most simple one (the dumb player). Against the RandomPlayer
the agent had a winrate between RuleBasedPlayer
the winrate was between DumbPlayer
with a winrate between
RuleBasedPlayer | RandomPlayer | DumbPlayer | |
TrainedGAPlayer | 282 | 580 | 1000 |
The player uses a set of hardcoded rules to decide which piece to play and where to play it.
class RuleBasedPlayer(quarto.Player):
def __init__(self, quarto: quarto.Quarto) -> None:
self.previous_board = np.array([[-1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1]])
self.previous_move = None
self.previous_piece = None
def choose_piece(self) -> int:
pieces = block_strategy_piece(self)
if len(pieces) < 3 and len(pieces) > 0:
return list(pieces.keys())[0]
piece = mirror_strategy_piece(self)
return piece
def place_piece(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
move = check_for_win(self.get_game())
if move is not None:
return move
move = mirror_strategy_move(self)
return move
The deciosion of which piece to play is based on the following rules:
: the player can recognize when a piece is needed for the opponent to win and if possible will not hand it to player 2, effectively blocking the opponent from winning.
def block_strategy_piece(self):
"""check if the are moves that can make the opponent win
if so, return the piece that can block the move
usable_pieces: list of pieces that can be used
game: current game
pieces: list of pieces that will not make the opponent win
winner = False
current_board = self.get_game().get_board_status()
used_pieces = {c for x in current_board for c in x if c > -1}
usable_pieces = [_ for _ in {x for x in range(16)} - used_pieces]
possible_moves = [(c, r) for r in range(4) for c in range(4) if current_board[r][c] == -1]
pieces = {}
for p in usable_pieces:
winner = False
for m in possible_moves:
# if i choose a piece and the opponent can not make a winning move with that piece add it to the list
board = deepcopy(self.get_game())[0], m[1])
if board.check_winner() > -1:
winner = True
if not winner:
pieces[p] = m
return pieces
: based on the binary representation of the last piece placed on the board, the player will try to choose a piece that is as much different as possible from the last one. This is done by calculating the Hamming distance between the binary representation of the last piece and the binary representation of the possible pieces. The piece with the highest Hamming distance will be chosen.
def mirror_strategy_piece(self):
"""mirror the choice of the opponent
if the opponent choose a piece, i choose the most different one
piece = random.randint(0, 15)
current_board = self.get_game().get_board_status()
if self.previous_piece == None:
piece = random.randint(0, 15)
# if i am plain first, i choose a random piece for the first move
piece_info = self.get_game().get_piece_charachteristics(self.previous_piece).binary
used_pieces = {c for x in current_board for c in x if c > -1}
usable_pieces = [_ for _ in {x for x in range(16)} - used_pieces]
pieces = list()
for p in usable_pieces:
# for each usable pieces find the most different from the previous piece
p_info = [int(x) for x in format(p, "04b")]
r = sum([abs(x - y) for x, y in zip(p_info, piece_info)])
pieces.append((p, r))
if r == 4:
piece = p
piece = max(pieces, key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
return piece
The deciosion of where to place the piece is based on the following rules:
: the player can recognize when a move is needed for the player to win and if possible will play it, effectively winning the game.
def check_for_win(gameboard):
"""Check if the gameboard has a winning move. If so, return the move"""
move = None
piece = gameboard.get_selected_piece()
current_board = gameboard.get_board_status()
possible_moves = [(c, r) for r in range(4) for c in range(4) if current_board[r][c] == -1]
for m in possible_moves:
game = deepcopy(gameboard)[0], m[1])
if game.check_winner() > -1:
move = m
# return the list that can not make the opponent win
return move
: based on the last move played the player will try to place the piece in the mirroring position on the board.
def mirror_strategy_move(self):
"""mirror the choice of the opponent
if the opponent choose a move, i choose the opposite one if i can
self.previous_piece = self.get_game().get_selected_piece()
current_board = self.get_game().get_board_status()
# find the previous move by vomparing the current board with the previous one and find the first difference
for i, r in enumerate(zip(self.previous_board, current_board)):
for j, c in enumerate(zip(r[0], r[1])):
if c[0] != c[1]:
self.previous_move = (i, j)
if self.previous_move != None:
# if there is a previous move, i choose the opposite one if i can
possible_moves = [(c, r) for r in range(4) for c in range(4) if self.previous_board[r][c] == -1]
move = (3 - self.previous_move[1], 3 - self.previous_move[0])
if move not in possible_moves:
# if the opposite move is not possible, i try to find a move that is as far as possible from the previous one
# the distance is calculated usiong the manhattan distance
manhattan = list()
for m in possible_moves:
v = sum(abs(x - y) for x, y in zip(move, self.previous_move))
manhattan.append((m, v))
move = max(manhattan, key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
move = (random.randint(0, 3), random.randint(0, 3))
self.previous_board = deepcopy(current_board) # update the previous board
self.previous_board[move[1]][move[0]] = self.previous_piece # update the previous board with the selected move
return move
This player is really effective against the other player tested up to this point, this are the results after 1000 matches:
TrainedGAPlayer | RandomPlayer | DumbPlayer | |
RuleBasedPlayer | 718 | 958 | 693 |
As the name suggest the next tecnique that i tried to implement was a minmax player with alpha beta pruning and a memory of previous states. The Player class is defined as follows:
class MinMaxPlayer(quarto.Player):
def __init__(self, quarto: quarto.Quarto) -> None:
self.first_move = True
self.piece_choice = None
self.move_choice = None
self.memory = {}
def choose_piece(self) -> int:
piece = 0
if self.first_move:
piece = random.randint(0, 15)
piece = self.piece_choice
return piece
def place_piece(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
move = (0, 0)
game = deepcopy(self.get_game())
value, move, piece = minmax(self, depth=1, alpha=-math.inf, beta=math.inf, isMaximizing=True, game=game)
self.piece_choice = piece
self.move_choice = move
return move
The minmax
function is defined as follows:
def minmax(self, depth, alpha, beta, isMaximizing, last_move=None, last_piece=None, game=None):
"""Minmax to choise the best move to play and piece to use"""
if (isMaximizing and game.check_winner() > -1) or depth == 0:
# if winning position or max depth reached
# evaluate the position and return the value
evaluation = self.evaluate_board(isMaximizing, game, last_move, last_piece)
self.memory[(isMaximizing, hash(str(game)))] = evaluation
return evaluation
if (isMaximizing, hash(str(game))) in self.memory:
# if the state is already solved in the memory return the value
return self.memory[(isMaximizing, hash(str(game)))]
best_choice = None
selected_piece = game.get_selected_piece()
board = game.get_board_status()
avvailable_piece = get_available_pieces(board, selected_piece)
available_moves = get_available_moves(board)
if isMaximizing:
best_choice = (-math.inf, -1, -1)
for m in available_moves:
game_copy = deepcopy(game)[0], m[1])
for p in avvailable_piece:
# for each move and each possible piece minimize the opponent and maximize my score
if not
logging.debug(f"piece {p} not available")
evaluation = minmax(self, depth - 1, alpha, beta, False, m, p, game_copy)
best_choice = max(best_choice, evaluation, key=lambda x: x[0])
alpha = max(alpha, best_choice[0])
if beta <= alpha or best_choice[0] == 100: # alpha beta pruning or winning position
if best_choice[0] == 100:
return best_choice
best_choice = (math.inf, -1, -1)
for m in available_moves:
game_copy = deepcopy(game)[0], m[1])
for p in avvailable_piece:
# for each move and each possible piece minimize the opponent and maximize my score
if not
logging.debug(f"piece {p} not available")
evaluation = minmax(self, depth - 1, alpha, beta, True, m, p, game_copy)
best_choice = min(best_choice, evaluation, key=lambda x: x[0])
beta = min(beta, best_choice[0])
if beta <= alpha or best_choice[0] == 0: # alpha beta pruning or losing position for minimizer
if best_choice[0] == 0:
return best_choice
The drawback of this player is that it is really slow and can only work with a limited depth. The evaluation function is defined as follows:
def evaluate_board(self, isMaximizing, game, last_move, last_piece):
"""Evaluate the board and return a value
isMaximizing: True if the player is maximizing, False otherwise
game: the game to evaluate
last_move: the last move made
last_piece: the last piece used
a tuple containing the value of the board, the last move made and the last piece used
if game.check_winner() > -1:
return (100, last_move, last_piece)
usable_pieces = get_available_pieces(game.get_board_status())
blocking_pieces = blocking_piece(usable_pieces, game)
# the value is the percentage of blocking pieces if the player is maximizing
# the value is the percentage of non blocking pieces if the player is minimizing
if isMaximizing:
v = len(blocking_pieces) * 100 / len(usable_pieces)
return (v, last_move, last_piece)
v = (len(usable_pieces) - len(blocking_pieces)) * 100 / len(usable_pieces)
return (v, last_move, last_piece)
if the player is maximizin and the evaluating move is winnig the evaluation is 100, otherwise the evaluation is the number of blocking pieces divided by the number of available pieces. where blocking pieces are the pieces that can be used to block the opponent from winning.
def blocking_piece(usable_pieces, game):
"""check if the are moves that can make the opponent win
if so, return the piece that can block the move
usable_pieces: list of pieces that can be used
game: current game
pieces: list of pieces that will not make the opponent win
winner = False
pieces = {}
possible_moves = [(c, r) for r in range(4) for c in range(4) if game.get_board_status()[r][c] == -1]
for p in usable_pieces:
winner = False
for m in possible_moves:
# if i choose a piece and the opponent can not make a winning move with that piece add it to the list
board = deepcopy(game)[0], m[1])
if board.check_winner() > -1:
winner = True
if not winner:
pieces[p] = m
# return the list that can not make the opponent win
return pieces
Since I wasn't able to implement a good minmax player I decided to try to implement a reinforcement learning agent. The core of the algorithm is expressed in this function:
def reinforcement_training(
game: quarto.Quarto, agent: ReinforcementLearningAgent, opponent: quarto.Player, num_matches: int
) -> None:
win = 0
print(f"training {0} / {NUM_MATCHES}", end="")
for t in range(num_matches):
if t % 2 == 0:
game.set_players((agent, opponent))
game.set_players((opponent, agent))
winner =
if winner == t % 2:
win += 1
if SAVE_POLICY and t + 1 % LOG_FREQ == 0:
print(f"\r\ntraining {t+1} / {NUM_MATCHES} - saving policy\n")
policy = agent.get_policy()
pickle.dump(policy, open(f"populations/policy-{t%LOG_FREQ}.pkl", "wb"))
print(f"\rtraining {t+1} / {NUM_MATCHES}", end="")
policy = agent.get_policy()
pickle.dump(policy, open(f"populations/policy-{NUM_MATCHES}.pkl", "wb"))
return win / num_matches
The agent is trained against an opponent for a large number of matches and after every match the agent will update his policy table based on the outcome of the match. The Agent's class is defined as follows:
class ReinforcementLearningAgent(quarto.Player):
def __init__(self, quarto: quarto.Quarto) -> None:
self.is_learning = False
self.G = dict()
self.current_state = dict()
self.randomness = 0.7
self.learning_rate = 10e-3
def get_policy(self) -> dict:
return self.G
def set_learning(self, is_learning: bool) -> None:
self.is_learning = is_learning
def choose_piece(self) -> int:
choiche = ...
return choice
def place_piece(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
choiche = ...
return choice
def learn(self, win: bool) -> None:
for board, value in self.current_state.items():
self.current_state = dict()
self.randomness -= self.learning_rate
The policy table is defined as a dictionary where the key is the board status and the value is an othe dicvtionary with 2 keys piece
and move
and for each key the value is a list of tuple where the first element is the probability of choosing that piece or move and the second element is the value of the move or piece.
In order to update the policy table an history of the choosen pieces and moves is kept in the current_state
dictionary which is updated in the choose_piece
and place_piece
methods as follows:
def choose_piece(self) -> int:
board = self.get_game().get_board_status()
available_pieces = get_available_pieces(board)
available_moves = get_available_moves(board)
if self.is_learning and random.random() < self.randomness:
choice = random.choice(available_pieces)
self.current_state[hash(str(board))] = {"piece": choice}
if hash(str(board)) in self.G:
possible_chioce = self.G[hash(str(board))]["piece"]
choice = max(possible_chioce, key=possible_chioce[1])
choice = random.choice(available_pieces)
choice = random.choice(available_pieces)
return choice
def place_piece(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
board = self.get_game().get_board_status()
available_moves = get_available_moves(board)
if self.is_learning and random.random() < self.randomness:
choice = random.choice(available_moves)
self.current_state[hash(str(board))] = {"move": choice}
if hash(str(board)) in self.G:
possible_chioce = self.G[hash(str(board))]["move"]
choice = max(possible_chioce, key=possible_chioce[1])
choice = random.choice(available_moves)
choice = random.choice(available_moves)
return choice
The agent was trained for 5000 matches against different opponents and the obtained policy saved in a file to be used with a trained player.
Herre we can see the results for 1000 matches between every opponents.
vs | TrainedGAPlayer | RandomPlayer | DumbPlayer | RuleBasedPlayer | TrainedRLPlayer |
TrainedGAPlayer | 557 | 1000 | 292 | 576 | |
RandomPlayer | 443 | 386 | 53 | 473 | |
DumbPlayer | 0 | 614 | 393 | 576 | |
RuleBasedPlayer | 718 | 947 | 607 | 958 | |
TrainedRLPlayer | 424 | 527 | 424 | 42 |
In order to improve the performance of the agent I decided to mix the strategies of the different players. The first Player that i created is based on the RuleBasedPlayer
and the MinimaxPlayer
. Since minmax is really slow, especially for the first moves, I decided to implement a player that at first used a fixed set of rules but towards the end of the game switched to search for optimal solution using minmax. In the latest imlementation the minmax functionality is activated only when the number of available pieces is halfed.
The two main functions of the player are as folows:
def choose_piece(self) -> int:
if self.minmax_piece is not None:
piece = self.minmax_piece
self.minmax_piece = None
return piece
pieces = block_strategy_piece(self)
if len(pieces) < 3 and len(pieces) > 0:
return list(pieces.keys())[0]
piece = mirror_strategy_piece(self)
return piece
In this function if the minmax is already been activated the function returns the piece choosen by minmax. Otherwise it checks if there is a piece that can block the opponent from winning and if there is it returns that piece. Finally if there is no such piece it checks if there is a piece that can be used to mirror the opponent's piece.
def place_piece(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
move = check_for_win(self.get_game())
if move is not None:
return move
usable_pieces = get_available_pieces(self.get_game().get_board_status())
if len(usable_pieces) < 8:
game = deepcopy(self.get_game())
value, move, piece = minmax(self, depth=4, alpha=-math.inf, beta=math.inf, isMaximizing=True, game=game)
if piece != -1 and value > 0:
self.minmax_piece = piece
self.previous_board[move[0]][move[1]] = self.get_game().get_selected_piece()
self.previous_piece = piece
return move
move = mirror_strategy_move(self)
return move
In this function the first thing that the player will do is to checkl wether there is a move that can be used to win the game. If there is it returns that move. Otherwise it checks if the number of available pieces is less than 8 and if it is it activates the minmax functionality. If the minmax functionality is activated it returns the move choosen by minmax. Finally if the minmax functionality is not activated it returns the move choosen by the mirror strategy.
Similarly to what I did with the other mixed strategy player I tried to incorporate the policy learned by the RL agent in order to make a better choiche in the first stages of the game. The two main functions are as follows:
def choose_piece(self) -> int:
available_pieces = get_available_pieces(self.get_game().get_board_status())
if self.minmax_piece is not None and self.minmax_piece != -1 and self.minmax_piece in available_pieces:
minmax_piece = self.minmax_piece
return minmax_piece
rl_piece = self.choose_piece_rl()
if rl_piece is not None:
return rl_piece
mirror_piece = mirror_strategy_piece(self)
if mirror_piece is not None and mirror_piece in available_pieces:
return mirror_piece
return random.choice(available_pieces)
def choose_piece_rl(self):
board = self.get_game().get_board_status()
if hash(str(board)) in self.G:
possible_chioce = self.G[hash(str(board))]["piece"]
choice = max(possible_chioce, key=possible_chioce[1])
choice = None
choice = None
return choice
In this function the player first checks if the minmax functionality is activated and if it is it returns the piece choosen by minmax. Otherwise it checks if the RL agent has a policy for the current state and if it does it returns the piece choosen by the RL agent : choose_piece_rl(self)
. If the RL agent does not have a policy for the current state it checks if there is a piece that can be used to mirror the opponent's piece and if there is it returns that piece. Finally if there is no such piece it returns a random piece.
def place_piece(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
winning_move = check_for_win(self.get_game())
if winning_move is not None:
return winning_move
usable_pieces = get_available_pieces(self.get_game().get_board_status())
if len(usable_pieces) < 7:
game = deepcopy(self.get_game())
value, minmax_move, minmax_piece = minmax(
self, depth=4, alpha=-math.inf, beta=math.inf, isMaximizing=True, game=game
if value > 60 and minmax_piece != -1 and minmax_move != (-1, -1):
self.minmax_piece = minmax_piece
self.previous_board[minmax_move[0]][minmax_move[1]] = self.get_game().get_selected_piece()
self.previous_piece = minmax_piece
return minmax_move
rl_move = self.choose_move_rl()
if rl_move is not None:
return rl_move
mirror_move = mirror_strategy_move(self)
if mirror_move is not None:
return mirror_move
return random.choice(get_available_moves(self.get_game().get_board_status()))
Similarly the second function at first check if there is a move that can be used to win the game. If there is it returns that move. Otherwise it checks if the number of available pieces is less than 7 and if it is it activates the minmax functionality. If the minmax functionality is activated it returns the move choosen by minmax. Otherwise it checks if the RL agent has a policy for the current state and if it does it returns the move choosen by the RL agent. If the RL agent does not have a policy for the current state it checks if there is a move that can be used to mirror the opponent's piece and if there is it returns that move. Finally if there is no such move it returns a random move.
def choose_move_rl(self):
board = self.get_game().get_board_status()
choice = None
if hash(str(board)) in self.G:
possible_chioce = self.G[hash(str(board))]["move"]
choice = max(possible_chioce, key=possible_chioce[1])
choice = None
return choice
this function simply search in the RLpolicy if there is a policy for the current state and if there is it returns the piece choosen by the RL agent.
The resuls for this player are not improving much if at all compared to the other mixed strategy player. This is probably due to the fact that the RL agent is not learning much in the first stages of the game and therefore the policy is not very good.
In the best player that i could find and implement is the first mixed strategy player that uses minmax, mirroring strategy and blocking strategy in order to choose the piece and the move. The code for this player can be found in the file but her is also a copy :
class S309413(quarto.Player):
"""S309413 player"""
def __init__(self, quarto: quarto.Quarto) -> None:
self.previous_board = np.array([[-1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1, -1]])
self.previous_move = None
self.previous_piece = None
self.minmax_piece = None
self.memory = {}
def choose_piece(self) -> int:
"""Choose a piece to play with:
if minmax strategy is available, use it
if not, use the blocking strategy
if not, use the mirror strategy
if self.minmax_piece is not None and self.minmax_piece in get_available_pieces(
piece = self.minmax_piece
return piece
pieces = block_strategy_piece(self)
if len(pieces) < 3 and len(pieces) > 0:
return list(pieces.keys())[0]
piece = mirror_strategy_piece(self)
return piece
def place_piece(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
"""Place a piece on the board:
if minmax strategy is available, use it
if not, use the blocking strategy
if not, use the mirror strategy
move = check_for_win(self.get_game())
if move is not None:
return move
usable_pieces = get_available_pieces(self.get_game().get_board_status())
if len(usable_pieces) < 6:
game = deepcopy(self.get_game())
value, move, piece = minmax(self, depth=3, alpha=-math.inf, beta=math.inf, isMaximizing=True, game=game)
if piece != -1 and value > 0:
self.minmax_piece = piece
self.previous_board[move[0]][move[1]] = self.get_game().get_selected_piece()
self.previous_piece = piece
return move
move = mirror_strategy_move(self)
return move
def evaluate_board(self, isMaximizing, game, last_move, last_piece):
"""Evaluate the board:
isMaximizing: bool
game: quarto.Quarto
last_move: tuple[int, int]
last_piece: int
tuple[int, tuple[int, int], int] = (value, last_move, last_piece)
if game.check_winner() > -1:
return (100, last_move, last_piece)
usable_pieces = get_available_pieces(game.get_board_status())
blocking_pieces = blocking_piece(usable_pieces, game)
# the value is the percentage of blocking pieces if isMaximizing is True
# the value is the percentage of non blocking pieces if isMaximizing is False
if isMaximizing:
v = len(blocking_pieces) * 100 / len(usable_pieces)
return (v, last_move, last_piece)
v = (len(usable_pieces) - len(blocking_pieces)) * 100 / len(usable_pieces)
return (v, last_move, last_piece)
This are the result for y best player compare to every other opponent tested for 1000 games, playing first for 500 and second for 500
vs | TrainedGAPlayer | RandomPlayer | DumbPlayer | RuleBasedPlayer | TrainedRLPlayer |
S309413 | 692 | 999 | 645 | 593 | 958 |